(Y/N)'s Beast Mode

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Your pov

I went out hanji's office waving her a goodbye, as I bumped into someone

I looked up seeing erwin "oh hey erwin I was just going to the 3rd floor wanna come?" I said "sure. Always a pleasure to help" he said then helped me up the stairs "say what makes you go to Levi's office? I mean he wasn't even--"

"we've been tricked."


"hanji didn't wrote a letter who told you it's from hanji?"

"uhmm....petra gave it to me she said that hanji wrote a letter to Levi and--"

"okay enough talking I don't want hearing that damn name ever again, I'm sure she's behind this"

Erwi gasp overreacting a bit. "(Y/N)! LANGUAGE!!" be said, I rolled my eyes then continue going upstairs "can we hurry I don't want to be in beast mode right now" I said as we reached the floor seeing doors all over the place "this building is really big" I said as we knocked on the first door that said

"petra's room don't disturb"

"yeah don't worry I think hanji gave petra duty so maybe--" I cut erwin off with a loud punch "holy crap! (Y/N) a little bit of privacy please?!!" erwin yelled "privacy? I'll show you privacy open up ya bitch!!" I yelled

Levi's pov

Petra was getting all over me as a loud bang was heard from the door.


"um....are you going to answer that?"

"why would i~? I'm busy with my Lover--"

Your pov


"(Y/N)!!! THE DOOR!"


"um....nice strength?"

I rolled my eyes and saw petra on top of my fianće, "what are you doing to my fianće you prick?" I said angrily "well....she spoke too soon" erwin said

A/N: remember that line?

"can we hurry I don't want to be in beast mode right now"

I rolled my eyes and walked towards petra then punched her, petra fell on the floor with her face facing the floor, "looks like she couldn't handle a pregnant woman huh?" I said as I grabbed Kevin's wrist and pushed him to erwin, "erwin hold him imma kill this bitch!" before I could punch her again my waist was pulled by a pair of arms "huh?" I see Levi with a worried face and eyes a bit teary "don't I'm fine" he said as I smiled then hugged him "im sorry I should've stopped you" I replied

"wait so you wanted me to stay? Were you lonely without me?"

"OH WHAT? um.....no...me and erwin played hide and seek also he's a kind person"

"oh so staying with erwin is more relaxing and fun than the night before you were pregnant?"

Levi smirked and looked at me, I blushed and kissed his forehead "pff! Yeah whatever the good thing is that your safe" I said as I caressed his cheek "by the way aren't you hungry? We should--" "im fine darling" he cut me off then grabbed my wrist pulling me out the door.

Erwin's pov

Levi and his lovely best head fianće just walked out the door, it's funny cause.....

OH my God I can't say it.

It's just that Levi is so little while (Y/N) is like cool and just doesn't notice it, but even though I'm still happy for them.

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