The Party Rescue

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Levi's pov
It was just a normal day, when I heard my fiance calling I went upstairs to see her laying on the bed thinking with the pen tapping her chin. "what is it darling" I asked as I walked towards her, I sat on the bed below her feet "is their any occasions that is about the survey corps like a party or something?" she asked looking at me, I rubbed my chin then an idea lighted on my head, "yes, I do have an occasion" I smirked then say beside her. I whispered the occasion to her then we started the plan until night, a few hours later...."ok, this is all it right?" my fiance asked, as she looked at me with her beautiful eyes, I nodded then looked at her for a bit long, then slowly pushing myself into a kiss, she pushed me before I touched her lips "let's not yet, for now let's rescue my brother" she told me I nodded then prepare the things that we need to bring. "OK Levi, are you ready" she asked "ready when you are darling" I replied we carried our backpacks as we head outside wearing black, my wife wore a black mask while I wear what a usual captain wear. I helped my fiance get on the horse before I do, she was at my front and I'm at her back, by the way I control the horse, I slapped the leash then the horse ran as fast as the wind.

On the way....
As the horse ran deep into the woods until we cannot see the cabin anymore, we ran across a titan. I think it's an abnormal but it didn't noticed us, a few hours later, we can almost see the castle we go around it then tied my horse in the stables, I carried my fiance down and so as I "OK you still remember the plan darling?" I asked with a challenging face she nodded as she said "You bet I am! Imma show these bastards filth" she smirked then went into position. OK I guess she's in position, now it's time for my move, I went inside looking normal as ever nothing erwin and hanji started to notice me in the distance of the room so they ran into me shaking me roughly, "LEVI WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?!" erwin dramatically shouted "relax eyebrows, I just discuss something with (Your Name)" I said with a calm expression, I looked side to side to make sure my wife is ready, I suddenly heard a "Psst!, Levi!" I looked in her direction then winked she gave me a thumbs up then search the rooms, OK next, I call my squad and order them to follow my dumb instructions so they can be distracted. As they went down I counted one of them are missing "oi brats" I called "where's petra?" I asked with my eyes narrowed at them they stand up straight covered in sweat, "she's with Nathan sir" gunter said, FUCK! "call petra tell her I need her right now" I commanded they nodded as they ran upstairs I looked around for me not to get a bit bored, minutes later petra came down with her face blushing red, she walked towards me "what is that you need me to do sir?" she asked as she looked away and blushed harder than ever, this brat.....why the fuck is she blushing for?! "petra I need you to go to my office, wait for me there only me and you alone" I told her she blushed as her nose starts to bleed, wow did I really go that far? Well I don't even care, all I care is if my wife already find Nathan.

Your pov
I put my mask on as I winked at Levi as a signal of ready, and search every room. Aw crap why isn't he in one of these rooms, don't tell me I need to go farther?! I walked around the corner then saw petra talking to gunter, ugh....i think I need to wait for her to leave, I peeked a bit longer then saw them going down the stairs 'good' I said to myself, I rushly ran in the room then saw Nathan covered with bruises on his neck and arms, I suddenly cut the ropes that they tied him with, then carried him. He was crying like a lost child as I was almost at the exit, i stopped for awhile until I heard footsteps coming out way, oh hell no if they saw us they'll tie me up too! Gotta think gotta think......a bright light shined on top of my head as I hid quickly, I peeked who the person was then had my eye widened as I trembled in fear, as the person topped right in front of us....please don't notice I said to myself over and over until tears almost fell, I touched my wet eyes as I saw them, wh-why am I c-crying? I stopped spacing out for a bit then focus on helping my brother escape out of this madness, as I looked forward petra was gone I got out of our hiding spot then saw her going to Levi's office, what's she up to this time?! I said madly to myself. I think this is what they call Jealousy, only I could get inside my fiance's office, my eyes went red as my head boiled full of anger, petra shivered as she turned to my direction, luckily we've already escaped at the back door without anyone noticing us.

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