Cleaning Time

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"aaahhhh.... 5 more minutes" I whined, suddenly the door slammed open. "oi brat! Get the fuck up where doing cleaning today!" he shouted, "what does that have to do with me ha?" I said, "tch!.... Stop whining and go help us, you are my wife after all" he said blushing, ha! He blushed so cute tho. Well I need to go follow his rules I guess, time to change into my cleaning outfit. "hold on a sec. Captain I'll just change and I'll be heading out" I said, "yeah fine but hurry up!" he replied, sheesh you don't have to be in a rush besides I love cleaning I can do it all day.

After I changed I woke my brother up to eat breakfast. "Nathan if your hungry your breakfast is over there OK?" I said to him,he replies me with a "okay Onee-Chan, thank you" I left our room and headed downstairs. "oi brat! You took forever to.... Change?" he said blushing, why the heck is he blushing for again? I mean is their something wrong about me?, seriously he must stop staring at me like that,"what are you staring at?" I asked "it's your outfit you shitty brat!... I mean who wears like that while cleaning!?" he complained, "wha--... What do you mean this what I wear while I clean" I replied back, he goes towards me and whispered, "you better change into another outfit cause people might fell for you I don't want that, got it?". Wow I never thought of captain dork as captain jealous haha, he must really love me ugh... Who am I thinking it's not official yet only a few weeks before my wedding and everything will be OK." OK captain I'll change into another one" I politely said, "good!.... Now hurry up or I'll be the one who will dress you up" he said. What the heck?!? What a pervert but I kinda like it......... AHH SNAP OUT OF IT!!! I'll just forget that he said that and change fast.

A few min. Later...
"hey captain I've finished can we clean now?... I don't have all day" I said. "what a rushy brat... I like you already..." he giggled with a smile, woah, woah, woah!... What was that just now I just blushed out of the blue is captain putting a spell on me or something? I think I'm a little dizzy that's all I mean it's impossible I'd fall for him I'm his bride but I don't feel the same way as him yet and plus, he's a jerk he even call my brother stupid! Ugh what a waste of my anger to beed out by him.

"wow these windows are really dirty I think I need more backup for this it might take long..." I said to myself, "what a wise brat you are huh?.... I'll call my squad for backup while you wait here." he said, did he just accepted my favor or something? I don't really get him that well but it's nice to see him helping me as his future wife tho hehe!, minutes passed and captains squad have arrived and helped me clean. It took us lots of hours until we finished. A few more hours later we've finally take a rest, "okay everybody great job thanks for your help let's do this again sometime, but for now you guys should rest" I said and thanked them. "sure thing ma'am we'll help anytime" Petra said
Now it's time to check on Nathan he might be looking for me. I rushed to the room and in my shock, I saw captain Levi patting him to sleep, he glared at me and smirked. "what re you doing there brat?... Come on and help me clean your room" he said sarcastically. "oh OK sure captain" I replied, "just call me Levi or watever you want to call me" he said, "maybe I'll call you darling.... Since you are my fiance" I answered, it was silent until I feel him cupped my cheek and said, "that'll be nice for a brat like you..." he said, his voice was so deep but it is also beautiful. "hey darling I think you have a lovely voice..." I complemented, he stared at me blushing and said "thank you..... D-da-darling..." he replied, he bowed his head in embarrassment as I was about to apologize he grabbed my hand and put a bracelet. "what is this?" I asked, "it's a bracelet you brat.. My mother gave it to me when I was little. She said I should keep it to remember her but I wanted to give it to you so you can remember me too..." he said with a beautiful voice. I kissed his cheek and said "thank you" I smiled while blushing. He suddenly walks away and said "your welcome brat... Well go to sleep you must be really tired with all that cleaning" he said, Is he worried about me cause if he is I appreciate it. I mean i love it when he's worried... And this bracelet I love it so much. He sure does have pleasant eyes. their like shiny to me. And his hair.... I... I want to touch it. I hugged the pillow while blushing and go to bed beside my brother, suddenly I heard my brother calling my name. "Onee-Chan don't go I'm lonely" he said half asleep, "yeah I won't don't worry" I whispered, I slowly put down the pillow and took a shower.

Min. Later....
"aahhh that was relaxing I love the shower her..." I said to myself, suddenly something caught my eye, "EH? A piece of paper?... What's it doing here?" I asked myself as I picked it up, I opened it and saw a note saying "go to my office tomorrow I have something to tell you - levi/darling" hm? He wants me to go to his office tomorrow? Ugh... Fine whatever.


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