A Soldier In Disguise

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Levi's pov
Ugh I had a head ache yesterday, I wish they wouldn't make That party too much noisy. It's getting worse I better grab myself some fresh water, I headed downstairs rubbing my head gently huh? Who's that in the kitchen? That must not be a titan or something I'm too tired to kill, I went to the kitchen holding a knife. Then in my shock, (Your Name) what is she doing? As I walked backwards I stumbled across a vase crashing to the floor, SHIT SHIT SHIT!! I hid as fast as I could but it was a bit too late "oh Levi there you are I'm making breakfast for you since you have a headache" she said smiling, what h-how did she know?! Is she a mind reader or some shit?.

(Flashback to the party)
"wow that cake is delicious Thanks darling" I said smirking, as I looked at her is she...is she blushing?!?!. "oi! What are you blushing for brat?" I asked "nothing it's just that....."she stopped "that what brat?" I leaned closer, "it's the first time you called me darling" she said I blushed then covered my mouth in embarrassment I walked away thdn told her "if you need me ill be at my room, I'm having an headache with all this partying" I blushed while I walk away "oh I see...ill see you later then darling" she smiled. As always I f**king love her smile, I wish her smiling will never end.
(end of Flashback)

Oh right I remember now, "so Levi I was planning to tell you this" she said
"what is it?" I asked as I drink my tea. "I was going to join the survey corps" she smiled as she prepares breakfast, I spit my tea then stand up walking towards her. "did you hear what did you just say?!?" I shouted "YOUR GOING TO GET KILLED!", she looked at me with a sad face then turned away "I'm sorry, I know it will make you worried but, I CAN'T JUST STAY HERE LIKE AN IDIOT ALL DAY" she shouted I step back a little "JUST BEACAUSE I'M YOUR FUTURE WIFE DOSNT MEAN I'LL STAY HERE FOREVER I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE THE WALLS WITH YOU WHY CAN'T WE--" I hugged her to calm her down then tears starts to fall on my face "I'm sorry brat, I know it's not easy for you to stay here alone but it's for your own safety as my future wife"i told her. She pushed me away then runs to her room crying, I wanted to grant her wish but it's too dangerous out there, if she dies......i don't know what I'll do.

A few min. Later....
"OK brats did you pack everything we need?" I asked, they answered with a "yes captain!". I nod then we move out, along the forest I always think about her, I wish she can obey me as her future husband "sir. We're almost outside the walls" one cadet shouted
I stopped spacing out then focus on the mission.

Your pov
As Levi told me not to be a cadet I cried and ran upstairs, I threw myself on the bed then cover my face with a pillow. Darn Levi your the worst husband ill ever marry to, I wish you'll obey me too I stand up looked at the mirror then head to the training area to train all by myself, as you all know I train in secret but only commander and hanji knows that. They obeyed me more than that midget, I change into my training uniform then head downstairs.

As I was going down soldiers were rushing in and out. What the hells going on is there an earthquake or something, one cadet was passing by then I blocked his way asking "excuse me but why are you all rushing for?", he looked at me then said "we are going outside the walls" I move out of his way then nodded, great its my chance to prove I'm not just a weakling you'll see Levi ill do my best.

I sneaked in the survey corps room to get a piece of their uniform, when I found the uniform. "oh what do we have here?" a voice that sounded like "H-hanji?!" I shouted in shock, "what do you think your doing (Your Name)?" hanji asked. "I talked to Levi this morning and had permission to join the survey corps" I said she nodded listening carefully "then he refused then decided to make me stay here, so I want to be a Soldier in disguise for him", hanji nodded then walked towards me "OK then sweetie but you need our help for that, you might get eaten easily" she smiled "really?! Thank you hanji I appreciate your help!" I rushly put on the uniform then put on the gear, I know how to use them so don't worry hanji and commander gave me lessons for this.

I wear the cape then hid my face so none can see me especially Levi. I waved goodbye to hanji then said,"I'll meet you there" hanji raised a thumbs up on me then leaves, I ran like the others so I could blend in not to be suspicious, then ride on the horses as I looked around at my side Levi was there. I looked wide eyed then looked away Levi noticed me but never bothered to asked who am I, *sigh* that's a good thing suddenly someone poked me at the back it was hanji and commander Erwin I looked at them and smiled, we were about to leave then heard a flash from the distance which means prepare to leave. All of our horses ran deep into the forest hanji and commander were right beside me, when they laughed and noticed I was beside Levi.

We made it out in an open area when loud footsteps were coming closer. Everyone looked back then screamed in terror, titans were catching us I looked so surprised that I'm running with levi, I kept reminding myself of my mother getting eaten but never seen a titan this close, "woah.... They're huge" I said Levi looked at me suspiciously so I covered my face very carefully then focus on our direction.

We've reached our destination "the old castle" its been here for several years, titans must've ruined it and ate all the people even the commander, we were about to get off our horses when a titan grabbed one of our soldiers, I was shocked because that's how the titan grabbed my mother years ago and ate her. I get off my horse then ran to the titan, when I got a closer look I stopped wide eyed it was the titan who had ate my mother I finally get to see it again, "long time no see you disgusting pest" I said madly I ran as fast as I could to cut its nape when my cape fell off. Oh no....levi saw me in shock that I did not obey him, but I didn't have time for that it's time to avenge my mother's death I swing towards the hand then cut it off the soldier fell down but escaped safe, while I reached its nape I cut it very deep until it felt pain, the titan fell then I landed safely.

Hanji and commander ran to me then hugged me worried, but proud at the same time. The others was shock what I did, Levi walked towards me then hugged me tightly "what the hell were you doing you brat, I thought you almost got killed" he cried with happiness, "yes I'm sorry, I just can't stand it I want to prove you wrong and avenge my mother" I replied he looked at me with tears in his eyes, I cupped his cheek then kissed him passionately. I leaned closer then whispered "ill not do it again darling, sorry for worrying you", he smirked then said "it's OK brat, from now one you'll be with us in every mission I promise" he said I smiled then hugged him tightly "THANK YOU LEVI!!!..... I LOVE YOU" I shouted, he blushed as everyone saw what I did and say they giggled then get on their horses.

I let go of Levi then said "let's go home for now", he smiled then nods he carried me to his horse then kissed me on the cheek. "I'm proud you weren't scared like other cadets when you saw that titan, I didn't notice that was you either" he said, I blushed then nods "I'm scared that you might notice me and be angry because I didn't obey you, and I thought you didn't want me as your future wife anymore" I said sadly, he kissed my hair then whispered "I'll never do that, besides your my strong, brave future wife" I blushed at what he said then lean on his shoulder. I can't wait to go back home with you Levi....
(um if you guys are confused, you are sitting in the front of the horse and Levi was sitting behind you but he's still the one controlling the horse or some sh*t so yeah)


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