First Meeting

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As my alarm clock rang, I woke up my little brother and told him to go take a shower while I make breakfast. I checked the clock said 5:30 am, SHOOT! We'll be late, a few min. Later my brother finished taking a shower and our breakfast was ready it was my turn to take a shower, "Hey Nathan eat as fast as you can ok?" I told him, "but why?" he curiously asked "were leaving at exactly 6:00 got it?!" I said, he respond with an "OK".

While I was showering, a knock on the door was heard. It must be commander erwin to pick us up I better hurry or captain dork will get angry. I hurried downstairs grabbing all of our stuff and packed my breakfast. Along the way, I ate as fast as I can since it's rude to eat inside. A few hours later we've arrived, I carried my brother down while commanders squad helped with our luggage. That captain better not kick us out quick when he got the wrong woman, I was thinking too much negativity that I can't hear my brother calling me, " scared where are we?" he asked "were at our new home.... I guess" I said, I wasn't pretty sure about my answer to Nathan but I wish I'm sure, since we always hear loud footsteps outside our cabin I thought the titans might eat us alive like mother and father. "ma'am your luggage was carried to your room now" said one of commander Erwin's squad, I thanked them politely, and headed to our room with my brother.

While walking, we went a cross commander Erwin. He said that we should follow him to our room since we are heading the wrong way, so we followed him, we reached our destination and said "thank you" he welcomed us very well, a few min. Later their was a knock on the door. My brother opened it and saw commander Erwin with someone else, he walked towards me and said, "this is captain Levi he can't wait any longer so he wanted to visit you..." he said, as I expected he was scary from I imagine. He walkes in front of me and said, "your (Your Name) right?" he asked "y-yes sir" I answered "don't be scared brat I'll take care of you and your stupid brother well" he said sarcastically, yup I was right he was a jerk. "hey midget..." I called, "what did you said brat?!?" he said he was really mad but I don't really care besides nobody calls me a brat nor my brother stupid, "you have the courage to call me a brat, but you don't have the right to call my brother stupid" I answered he was really mad and grabbed my shirt, "listen here brat I know what I said so just live with it... Got that?!?" he answered madly, "is that how you treat your future wife  and my brother?.... Ha midget?" I told him, I still remember what commander warned me about him being pissed so easily. He started to let go of my collar and said "I'll lock you up in a dungeon with your brother, to learn your lesson" then commander Erwin spoke "Levi we shouldn't go too far just relax remember she will be your wife one day." he answered with a "Tch!... Fine but I'll just let the brat and her brother off the hook but only on this day since it's their first day here" he said they left the room and said "you Better behave brat or ill get you eaten by hanji's titans..." I was a little scared but I fought it.

One night later, some of the commanders squad left us dinner, I grabbed our dinner and we ate it. "Onee-Chan I'm sleepy can you sing me to sleep?" he favored I answer with an "of course Nathan" as I sing him a lullaby, I clean our plates, spoon and forks when I was about to finish I heard the door creaked open. I speedily open the door and saw captain Levi, "what're you looking at brat?" he asked "sir were you spying on us?" I asked, he comes in and pushes me on the wall and said "why isn't it wrong?.... I mean you do look beautiful while cleaning y'know" he said, wow he is such a clean freak I don't even know why I was forced to marry him but I gotta say he has such a cute face and all. "Whatcha looking at huh?" he asked, "nothing I just thought you have a cute face and all... Ya know..." I answered, he leans closer and said "oh really?" he said, he leans a bit more when he crashed his lips into mine "your lips are sweet..." he complements. I was blushing red when I heard him say that it was really embarrassing, suddenly he pulls me closer and starts to kiss me again but this time he tries to enter his tongue in my mouth asking for entrance. I let him besides he is my future husband he explores my mouth and started to push me on the bed, "I wish I could do it with you but...we're not yet married so we just have to wait... Goodnight brat" he said I answered back with a "goodnight too sleep well", he nodded and walkes away leaving the door open. I close the door for him and headed to bed when I lay down beside my brother he woke up and said, "Onee-Chan can we cuddle?" he asked, "sure Nathan" I replied. I cuddled him tight while I thinked about the kiss, I blushed a little and giggled quietly after that I slept with a smile on my face, holding my lips gently.

(End of  Episode)

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