His Condition

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Hanji's pov
I was just going to visit bean and sawney, when Levi was running by, I stand in the way then asked "hey midget what's the hurry" i asked "I'm just going to talk to erwin" he answered. He continued passing me but thus time he's walking but faster which is also like running

That midget.....*sigh*

After I turned to my front, I saw Levi's fiance walking slowly while holding here tummy(that rhymed lol) I walked to her then surprised her "HELLO SWEETIE WHY ARE YOU BACK?" I asked excitedly "oh hi hanji, I'm just looking for Levi" she replied "oh really?" I teased she nodded then rubs her stomach. I looked at it then saw that her stomach is a little big, "sweetie if you don't mind me asking" I said "hm?" she replied "why are you rubbing your stomach, and why is it a little big?" I asked, "oh w-well...you didn't know yet?" she said "I'm pregnant" she smiled then started walking "P-P-P-P-PREGNANT?!" I shouted, I turned her way then grabbed her hand "SWEETIE LEVI DIDN'T FORCE YOU TO DO IT RIGHT?!" I shouted really angry "haha of course not he's my fiance and also I'm the one who told him haha..." she replied I was shocked then started to help her walk "then let me help you dear you must be exhausted while you slowly walk up the stairs" I said she nodded then accepted my hand

I'm the hallway, "that darn Levi why would he leave you?! Does he know that your pregnant?" I asked "y-yes in fact he was telling everyone about it even.... P-P-P-P" she said "P..... What?, petra?" I said, she looked at me with a dark look then let's go of my hand "I'll be finding Levi myself thank you very much" she said after she glared at me. Shivers crawled down my spine,huuuu is it just me or is the atmosphere getting colder? I thought to myself

Your pov
I was really angry every time I hear p-p-p-p.....ugh you already know, but I really want to punish them again because if what they did to Nathan. Well I better find Levi before she pops out, I walked slowly to erwin's office then saw Levi, I opened the door then said "hey darling how's....." I saw petra glaring at me like she wants to kill me. Well too bad sucker Levi's mine and I can handle you with a blink of an eye haha, I gave her an annoying glare then walked to Levi

Petra suddenly stands in front of him as I was about to grab his hand, "I'm sorry ma'am but this is for cadets only I was really mad that she said 'cadets only' it really gets on my nerves, so I slide her away then grabbed Levi's hand as quick as possible." oh hello darling" Levi called "WAIT...D-D-D-DARLING?!??" petra shouted, I smirked at her then kissed Levi on the cheek "oops looks like someone's a boiled octopus.....haha" I teased her then she walked to me really angry, she leaned her face to me then said "if you do that to him again I'll rip you apart" "that doesn't scare me octopus" I answered, Levi chuckled then holds my stomach, petra or should I say boiled octopus hehe~ was confused why was Levi holding my belly "oh boiled octopus is jealous" I said then smirked. She looked pretty agnty so I stopped

"erwin" Levi called "we want to tell you something", petra listened carefully as he was about to say that

"were having a child"

Petra was shocked she said that so she salutes Levi then asked, "SIR if you don't mind me asking.....what did you two say?", me and Levi looked at each other then turned at her "petra as you can see.....the reason why Levi was holding my belly is because I'm pregnant" I explained, her face was blank when she heard it loud and clear "s-sir.....i-i think I'm sick....m-m-may I dissmis?" petra said looking all wobbly and empty, hehe...I'm really happy that she realized that we're taking our relationship seriously so that she can leave us alone, she probably is ripping all Levi's pictures on her room, how did I know?.....dude I clean every morning ever since I moved in this place and I stumbled across her room, I laughed at first because she has a poster of  her and Levi getting married haha, as if that will happen.....whoops am I going too far? Hehe~~ now that petra knows that we're together for eternity now I'm not mad of hearing her name anymore

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