The Baby's Check Up

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3rd person's pov
Everybody was getting plans for next week's wedding people were rushing and food we sizzling, but for the 2 lovers they were sleeping very happily on they're cabin

Your pov
It was a great morning I sit up straight to wake up, I looked in the mirror then saw my stomach getting bigger. I guess the baby's very healthy and it gets really big haha, I looked at Levi seeing him sleeping again makes my heart calm and fresh, Levi is like a wind that whenever your a bit hot he Cools you down

I started to feel hungry so I walked down the stairs slowly, jeez why every step my stomach hurts I guess the baby must be hungry too? I don't know, I went to the kitchen to drink the milk that is for my baby. "ok little guy drink up because we're going to the doctor later" I said as I rubbed my tummy, I started to drink the milk then placed it on the sink I smiled a little then change into my dress that Levi bought me, it was a plain gray one and I really love it, I started to put on a hat then grabbed my purse. "bye darling I'm heading out now" I said even tho he's upstairs I always chuckle I mean your pregnant that doesn't mean you have to go up to greet your fiance goodbye right?

=a few hours at the hospital=
I was sitting in the customer service room and decided to look at the mother chart, it has a drawing of a mother and a child sitting together in a garden "someday me and Levi will be like a real family too" I said to myself as I sigh "but it will really hurt soon but I don't care, all I wanted was a good and happy family" I said to myself again

"Miss (your name) your up"

Oh I guess I'm next, I walked to Dr.Hosokawa's office then sat in front of him "hello (your name) what can i help you with?" he asked "I want to know the gender of my baby and the ultrasound" I answered "oh I see...well then please follow me" the Dr. Said and I obeyed. I followed the doctor leading me to a bed and some other tools that I don't know at the side, their are also other doctors and nurses in here I'd never been here before

As I admire the amazing room, the doctor began to call me saying "this is the room where you get your ultrasound" he said pointing at a doctor that is working I na computer, "oh OK may I get the ultrasound first?" I asked "sure let the nurses or doctors call me for you to know what the baby's gender is later" he replied with a smile then walks away.

I entered the ultrasound room seeing two doctors and a few nurses doing their own thing, it really was a busy room and I can tell that most of them are getting the results of oh her babies ultrasounds

"hello miss you must be (your name)" the voice said, I turned around revealing a doctor he has beautiful features and has a perfect body, well actually not my type Levi is more perfect that him, "oh yes" I replied as I hold my stomach "well if you don't mind are you here to hear the ultra sound of your baby?" he asked really kindly "oh yes please" I answered "well follow me then" he said, as we were walking through the halls

I was thinking about how Levi is doing home alone, actually he really isn't alone I hired auruo to babysit Nathan and Levi for me so theirs nothing to worry I guess, back to reality

Me and the doctor arrived at the ultrasound baby room, and it was a little cold but I guess it's for the best?
"ok miss please lay on the bed for me" the Dr. Said, I obeyed I layed on the bed that the doctor set up for me then looked around, to be honest I really am excited to see the baby.

=hours later=
The doctor came back holding a clip board, I was a bit nervous but I brushed it off as I lay down straight and calm, *inhale* *exhale* you can do this me lets do this. "miss are you ready?"the doctor asked, it was silent for a moment then I staeted to speak" yes please continue" I said and closed my eyes as he puts gel around my stomach, I was so ticklish when he rubbed my stomach really gently but I covered my mouth to avoid it "I see you have a tickle spot here huh?" the doctor teased, we both laughed then continued to focus on the Baby's ultrasound.

"looks like the baby's healthy" he said, I smiled then said "aww...really?!" "yeah you really did great as a parent Please continue to do so" he replied I smiled at the baby on the screen then looked at the doctor "who's the father?" he asked quite out of the subject "levi" I answered "you mean Levi ackerman?!" he shouted as the results and the picture came out of the computer "oh here's the picture of your baby and the chart" he said as he handed it out to me I replied with a "thank you" then leaves "by the way be careful while dealing with humanity's strongest" he said then smirked

Eww...having a doctor that is flirty is not my type besides he can't even save an eaten person, how useless. I walked out the door without saying a word that was rude but he deserves it of course, I laughed at what I said then head home bringing the envelope in my hands

I opened the door revealing lebi cleaning the house and Nathan and aruruo sitting on the couch watching TV, "oh darling your back" levi said as he walked to me with a hug "yeah I went to the doctor for our baby's check up" I replied as I slide my hands through Levi's hair "really?! Then do you know what gender is our baby is?!" he asked quite excited, I shook my head then said "I don't know yet but the doctor gave me a picture of it and the results" I said smiling I handed the picture first then saw his eyes very teary

"darling you don't have to cry that much" I said he looked at me with a straight look then cried again "why not?" he asked "because I'll cry too" I replied he chuckled then hugged me "don't worry darling I'll be here comforting you" he said, "OK then are yuou ready to see the Baby's Gender?" I asked a little excited he nodded quickly then leaned beside me. I opened the results saying

Congratulations you have twins

Me and Levi looked at each other then hugged, I'll be a great mom I can't Wai till their born I said to myself "I can't believe this were having twins!!" levi shouted as he rubs my belly. "I'm so happy" he added I smiled then chuckled

It was almost noon and I can't wait to sleep with levi again, it's been a long time since me and Levi slept together I meant sleep as in sleep not sleep as in $3¢$

So I was cooking while looking out the window while Levi is washing the dishes I can't even believe how I'm feeling right now, I guess this is happiness hehe I said to myself. "oi darling I'm done with the dishes I'll do the cooking toy take a shower OK?" he said as he walked towards me removing the apron around me "oh OK then I'll meet you at the dining room later" I said as he nodded with a smile.

=at the bathroom=
I switched the shower on then grabbed the shampoo, as I was scrubbing my hair I thinked about the baby. I'm really am happy and I also am happy to be with levi again, I looked at the ceiling then washed my hair. I got out of the shower after I soap my body, then wore my clothes I looked out the window seeing auruo leaving as he waved goodbye I waved back then head downstairs

"darling its your turn" I said he nodded then removes his apron and quickly went upstairs closing the door, I went to the kitchen as the telephone wasn't hang in he wall I tried to answer "hello?" it was silent fout a moment then a voice went through the line "hello Levi its doctor hosokawa and about your wife don't forget"


Was that the doctor?! Why was Levi talking to him?! This is weird what was he saying about me?? I'm so curious right now I want to know what's the bastard planning to do to our family, I have to ask Levi about whether he likes it or not

I went to the dining room then sat down as Levi walked downstairs, "darling I think I'll be going somewhere tomorrow can you watch the house?" he asked, I nodded then gave him the look, as I chewed My food that Levi cooked it really was good and I got lost out of my anger but that anger will be back no matter what


Hello sorry for the wait I'm really sorry there was not internet and the lights got out yesterday so I wasn't able to finish this chapter but since it will be ending soon goodbye jk I'm still in love with this story
If you want to read stories that I made ill leave them here
-->My Princess Dream ||Leileikawaiimomo fanfic||
-->Lost But Not Gone [Kody x Lumine] Lemon
--it started with my sketchy love story (coming soon)
That's all for today Reader and also sorry for the wait Sakura_Sakamoto
I lab you and so is Levi

Levi x Reader {Forced Marriage} Where stories live. Discover now