A Family Free Time

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Levi's pov
As me and my fiance sleep quietly. Suddenly........


Me and (Y/N) jumped in surprise, "Nathan it's like early in the morning to be making noise and plus titans might hear you, you know?" (Y/N) said as she lay back on the bed, I leaned closer to her "morning darling" I whispered as I smirked, I saw her blushed then thought to myself

:So Cute:

"can you please give me space? So please let me sleep!" are shouted as she hid herself with a blanket, I chuckled "OI ONEE-CHAN WAKE UP OR I'LL CALL PETRA!" Nathan yelled as he went downstairs in such a speed, My fiance suddenly stood up with her face red


She got out of bed then walked to the bathroom to wash her face then brushed her teeth. I look out the window as I opened it, the breeze was so relaxing it felt like soft cotton passing through my skin. As I folded the sheets and blankets properly my fiance finished her bathroom doings then told me

"it's your turn darling" she said in a sweet voice

I looked at her then walked towards her as I kissed her cheek "alright go help Nathan then" I said as she nodded then went downstairs.

=after the shower=
I change into my usual clothes. I went downstairs to smell a fragrance so good that I wanted to smell more. I followed the fragrance then saw (Y/N) cooking as she swings her butt, I blushed then laughed at myself, I walked towards her then grabbed her waist, "oh Levi breakfast is almost ready" she said sweetly with small blushes on her face.

I kissed her cheek then nodded, "alright darling hurry up we still have a Trip to wall maria" I said as I gently sat in the chair and took a sip of the black tea that she made me.

"yeah I didn't forget, and guess what?"


"it's been days and weeks and my stomach is already this big, and also we've been invited by our uncle Kenny's wedding anniversary"

I stood up then spit on the table, I quickly wiped my mouth then looked at her, "should we go?" she asked "I don't know honey, I think it's better to stay home and protect the babies" I said she sighed then walked towards me, she placed her hands on my shoulders then smiled "you've got a point but no one knows if Kenny has changed so why not?" she said as she seductively draws circles on my shoulder "what are you--"

"you wouldn't say no to that do you?"

I was pissed and really blushy so I nodded, "REALLY?!? YAY!!" she yelled as she jumps, I suddenly grabbed her then said "be careful the baby might kick your stomach" she stopped then laughed "oops sorry I forgot I have a baby inside me hehe..." she replied then hugged me "I'm so happy that I found a fiance like you" she said

"so one question"

"what is it?"

"when is the wedding?"

"uhm... Im not really sure but maybe after 1 week"

"oh okay I can't wait"


=hours later=
Your pov

Ugh....chopping onions is hard, I can barely concentrate because of the tears. As I was chopping I suddenly cut my finger accidentally, "oww!" I cried, i hissed then quickly washed it "Onee-chan! What happened?!" Nathan yelled as he stomped to the kitchen, "it's nothing Nathan I just accidentally sliced my index finger" I answered as I smiled. Nathan sighed then walked towards me "really onee-chan Please be careful nextime" he said then grabbed first aid kit by cabinet, "sorry Nathan I promised sorry for troubling you" I said as he grabbed my hand then wrapped a small bandage on my finger, I smiled then thanked him he nodded then went back to the living room watching TV not saying a word to me

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