The Promise

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Levi's pov
We arrived home, I get off my horse then carried my future wife to her room. Dammit!, why is she so heavy, I didn't mean so heavy tho just a little heavy, but she does look kinda cute when she sleeps it always make me excited. Oi... Oi... Oi! Wait a second what am I saying ahh shit! Crazy things are popping out of my mouth urgg *sigh* I need to bring her to her room fast before I say crazy things about her again. I looked at her cute face and it really is kinda cute I can't stop my self from blushing, I looked away and focused where I was going we might trip when I keep my eyes of the way.

Sometime later...
We've reached her room. Suddenly someone switched the lights on, and there it was on her desk was Nathan her stupid brother, aaghhh.... jeez I hate when he's watching us it just makes it more embarrassing. As I put my future wife on the bed his brother suddenly pushed me with her, I got up as soon as possible but then I feel Nathan's hand pushing me down. This stupid brat what the hell is he doing?!?, "mmm..." she mumbled aaghhh she might woke up I better stop him "hey stop pushing me or I'll feed you to the titans" I whispered angrily, after I said those words to him he then begans to cry, like all children acts around me grr.. This is too annoying, I felt another hand pulling me down. Heh?! What the hell---, I froze as I looked back at my future wife she was staring at me blushing then speaks.

"what are you doing on top of me?... And why is my little brother crying?" she asked curious. I quickly stand up then looked away blushing, this isn't suppose to happen... This isn't suppose to happen... What have I done... I'm dead because of my stupidity, she then puts her hand on my shoulder then said" stop having troubles when your around me I feel hurt when you do that" she said I faced her and hold her hand, "I-I'm sorry brat... I'm s-sorry that I hurt you I-I did-didn't know y-you'll feel th-that way" I replied dammit! Why am I so nervous this is the most embarrassing--- "hahahaha!!!" EH laughing what the hell is she laughing for eyy?! Did my breath smell?!, is my hair weird, what is she laughing at!?!.

"oi! Brat what're you laughing at?" I said pissed, she stopped "oh sorry darling are you mad now?" she asked, well he'll yeah I'm mad what do think is my face expression right now happy?..... Ugh somehow I feel kinda dizzy what's happening to me. I suddenly fainted out of the blue.
The next day...
"ugh... What the fuck happened?", I turned around to see my future wife sleeping at my arm. Wah-what the... Did she took care of me?, "hey mister" a voice but where is it coming from? I looked around then suddenly Nathan appeared on my face. "ahh! What do you want brat?" I asked, "I said why are you forcing my sister to marry you?" he asked with a straight face.

"ugh.. Guys why are you so noisy early in the morning?" she said then looked at me, "oh your awake... You fainted last night,i was worried". sh-she was worried? I hope I didn't gave her too much trouble, "hey... I hope I didn't gave you too much trouble last night" I said "nah its very easy... I called for help so they could put you in my bed hehe..." she said as she smiled, fuck I love her smile "but wait why your bed?" I asked curious "w-well you look so nice and peaceful I didn't want you to go to your room since it's all the way downstairs" she answered, "oh I see... Is it because you were waiting for me to do It with you?" I teased, she then slapped me while blushing "I-idiot I'm not!" she shouted "so does that mean you don't like to do it?" I teases again, "not like I don't want to do it... It's just, I-I'm so ready for those kind of stuff y'know what I mean?" she said, "oh yeah I know what you mean brat" I said as I leaned closer to her, I kissed her slowly then pulled away I asked her "d-did you like that?" we blushed together, she nodded then hugged me. I accepted the hug.

"neh" she called, "why don't we make a promise?" she said. "what promise?" I asked "to always stay to each others side and never let them go no matter what" she whispered, "idiot, of course I'll promise that" I kissed her cheek then go back to sleep for some more rest. A promise huh... I'll truly keep that promise of hers, I fell asleep while my future wife holds my hand, "remember the promise darling..." she whispered as I close my eyes.
A few hours later...
Ugh what time is it? I checked the clock said 8:00 am, shit! I guess I'll be skipping my paper work today. *knock knock* huh? Is someone there? "come in" I answered, the door opened as my future wife came in with tea on the tray. "oh are you feeling a little better" she asked, "yeah almost maybe tomorrow I'll be out of this bed" I told her, she hugged me with a smile on her face. as always I fucking love her smile...

"by the way I did your papers for you" my future wife suddenly said, I spilled my tea then said "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO WILL AHNDLE THOSE!" I shouted, "Doty worry since I don't know how you signed it so I got some help from commander Erwin" she said "oh I see.." I replied, she is totally going to be my wife! I mean doing paper work for me that's so incredible now I don't need to stay up all night besides that's what cause my faint... STRESS

"oh yeah I also cleaned the empty rooms that you requested to your cadets to clean" she said, that was suppose to be their job for not listening to me... But to u are my wife and your always up for cleaning in going to marry you for sure. "thanks I'm very proud of you brat" I said while I smirked. "oh I need to get more water your head is getting hot again" she said as leaves the room.

I wonder if our promise was just a dream? I'll ask her if she comes back with water. But I feel like I want to ask her now I'm kinda curious whether its a dream or not, a few min. after she came back with a bowl of water she puts in on the desk as she puts the towel in, nows my chance "hey (Your Name) do you remember the promise that we made last night?" I asked, she looked at me then said "huh? What promise darling we idint promise anything" she said, heating them makes me hurt... I guess it really is just a dream.

Your pov
He remembered the promise, I really like him but I think I need more proof that he's not messing around. I looked at him without letting him noticing me.

(end) to be continued

Levi x Reader {Forced Marriage} Where stories live. Discover now