Birthday Surprise

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Your pov
Ahh finished cleaning I can't wait to see Levi,or maybe I'll visit him right now besides he must be sleeping right now "Onee-Chan what are you doing?" my brother asked "oh sorry Nathan did I woke you up?" I smiled
Nathan jumped out of his bed then go straight to the bathroom. Huh that's weird he's never been this quiet before, oh well I guess I should visit Levi now "Nathan I'll be visiting someone OK don't run off like last time again" I told him, he shouted "yes" then I left.

As I was walking in the hallway I saw commander Erwin passing by. I greeted him with a "good morning commander" he nods, huh guess he's so busy he doesn't have the mood to talk right now. This is getting a bit suspicious to me, but I'll think about it later right now I'm going to visit Levi. I found Levi's office then started to knock on his door "uhm...levi it's me your girlfriend" I called, no answer that's weird he always says "come in" oh nevermind he's there. I opened the door and saw levi in bed sleeping peacefully, I said he might be sleeping or something I closed the door behind my back then sat in the bed where Levi is laying on. I poked his cheeks, then chuckled he's so cute when he sleeps I wish we sleep in the same room then I can always feel his warm hugs.

*sigh* but that can never happen, "oi brat! what's with the long face?" he asked. What the he's awake this whole time?! This midget I'll eat him when the time comes(you know what I mean😏) "where you awake this whole time?" I asked with a pout face "tch. Of course I am do you think I can't feel your fingers poking my face?" he replied, "THEN WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!" I shouted he kissed me to shut my mouth. "tch,stupid mouth if only I can give you a punishment for shouting like that" he smirked,woah...woah...woah just a second a punishment?!? What is he going to do feed me to the titans? Oh sh** that's worse who'll take care of Nathan? Levi? He's a terrible babysitter!!!.

"*sigh* what's my punishment? (midget)" I asked, "I'm not going to tell you unless yiy call me Master or should I recall Daddy?" hell no! why the fck am I going to call you daddy, were not lovers yet idiot "I think I'll just call you Master for now" I answered he nodded then pushed me on the bed "hey! What are you doing?!" I shouted he ignored me then kisses my neck. AAAGHHH WHAT THE FREAK IS HE DOING?!?, I blushed as he bites it. "hey stop I'm just here to visit you so can you please move I have more things to do" I said, he ignored me again do I have to do everything myself?! Ugh, I pushed Levi then got up Levi suddenly pulled my hand then let me sit on his lap, "what... Are... You... Doing?" I asked curious of what he's going to do next
"relax I'm not going to seduce you or something, just stay in my lap for a min. I'm tired" he said.

I suddenly hear snores near my ear. Huh is he sleeping on my shoulder?! Ugh he's such an... *sigh* I don't think I can say it anymore ill just get one with it, I carried Levi away from my shoulder, then carefully carried his head then put him on the bed perfectly. There we go now he can sleep more properly

I went outside to do my chores then I suddenly  heard noises downstairs. Maybe the dining room? I don't know I'll check it out I guess. I sneaked into the dining room and saw balloons and birthday decorations, huh? What's this all for? Is there a birthday celhrbration today.... I got in then I heard a door that's coming from Levi's room opened, rushing footsteps starts to come closer to me. I turned around and saw Levi running towards me, he carries me like this:


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"oi brat, what the hell are you doing?!" he asked madly, "huh what do you mean I was going to help them" I answered. We reached his office then he threw me on the bed again.

Levi's pov
Dammit almost let my guard down. This time I'll totally distract you and watch you till they finished up your birthday decorations.

Your pov
What the hell is up with him did I do something to upset him? "hey why didn't you want me to help them?" I asked curious he ignored me then sat beside me. "I don't want you to help them cause you have to help me first" he said, help him with what there's nothing for me to help him with here it's spotless "what can I help you with?" I asked "help me wash myself in the bathroom" he smirked then blushed. Wth-what?!? Help him wash himself?! This is a joke right? Yes he is my boyfriend but he's not my husband yet I think I'd rather help them than to help him wash himself like a cat. "well are you going to help me or not brat?" he said, I nodded then as soon as I got in the bathroom he removes his clothes except his boxers, I covered my eyes with full hands Levi walks towards me then removes my hand away from my face  "don't cover your face, I loved that face besides were getting married after 4 days (which means 4 more chapters) I calmed myself then pulled him in the bathroom, wow I've never been so relieved in my life I thought we were getting married after a year.

I grabbed the towel then put soap on it. Hm... This soap must be his favorite smell and also the colors beautiful "oi brat stop spacing out and scrub my back" he said, "ah yeah sorry" i giggled a little so he can't hear. As I was scrubbing his back a phone rang in his desk "don't answer it" he told me, "but someone's calling" I said he comes closer then said "don't answer it" I ignored him then ran outside to answer it. He got mad then started to shower fast, then put on his clothes I ran to the phone then answered it "hello?" I answer, "ah Levi it's done" said hanji "huh? What's done?" I asked curious "o-oh hello dear this is for Levi can you put him on the phone" she requested suddenly Levi closed the phone then pushed me to the wall. "oi brat didn't I say don't answer it?", I looked at his eyes those daring Grey eyes then said "I-I'm sorry I should've not answer it since it's none of my business" I said he lifts up my chin then kissed me passionately.

"it's OK brat, now let's go downstairs and go to the dining room" he said, I nodded as I smile. He kissed me again then we left his office, going down the stairs we were holding hands he leaned closer then covers my eyes with his hands "Levi... What are you doing?" I asked confused "just shut up brat, it's a surprise" he said, a surprise I wonder what could it be is it something special? We were about to go inside then Levi removes his hands from my eyes then everyone is here "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY (YOUR NAME)" they excitedly shouted, I was surprised that they did this for me my mouth opened and my eyes wide, "thank you... But how did you guys know it's my birthday today?" I asked as I smile, "well your little brother Nathan told Levi then Levi told us, that's why Levi wants you to stay in his office to be distracted" armin said "oh about that I did peek a little, so I already knew hehe" I told them. Everybody looked at Levi wide eyed

"tch. It's not my fault that she's too cute to be slept with" he said, everyone laughed. "Levi don't let your guard down nextime" hanji said with a laugh, after that we all celebrated. Meanwhile I saw Levi not having any fun so I decided to feed him some of my birthday cake that hanji and her squad bought me, I walked towards Levi then said "hey Levi why aren't you having any fun?" I asked smiling, he looked at me then kissed my cheek. I kissed him back then said "hey do want some cake? I got one for you" I said, he looked away with his arms and legs crossed "I'll feed you if you want?" I said he looked at me again then he nodded while he blush, I cut a piece of the cake then lifted up to Levi's mouth "Say aahhh...", Levi opened his mouth then said "aaaahhh" I fed him the cake. "did it taste good?" I asked still smiling he nodded then starts to chew.

Hehe I'm so happy I've got to spend time with you Levi I can't wait to get married.

End of chapter

Authors note:
Hello everyone sorry I took so long again, by the way here it is I made this chapter a little bit longer so it can be more interesting so if you guys have any suggestions on the next one I'm looking forward for your suggestions just comment them and I'll do it.

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