Levi X Reader Oneshot

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The Date

You woke up on a Saturday. And remembered that you were suppose to go figure skating with levi. You suddenly rushed to your bathroom and took a shower and fixed your hair.

A few min. Later...
You decide to pick an outfit that suits your date, but you cant pick one so you get some help from your siblings. They pick you a lovely grey dress that matches your boyfriends daring eyes, you look at your beauty in the the mirror a bit more then leave your home and said "watashiwa yukuyo" which translates to "I'm going out".

You grabbed your bike as you go. Along the way the cool breeze suddenly passes through your hair, and the blue skies clear and dear, a phone call starts to buzz from your bag. You stopped your bike to answer the call, you pulled out your phone and read the caller said (My sweet darling) you answered the call and said "h-hello", the sweet boyfriend said "oi! Brat where the he'll are you" he asked. "ah! I'm coming give me 5 more minutes please" you requested he agreed with a "tch alright brat but you better hurry" he ends the call.

You rode your bike again and continued on your way to the date.
A few hours later...
You saw Levi waitng for you at the skating room. And you were planning to surprise him, but suddenly somebody pushes you accidentally. They said sorry, and after they passed you Levi was just standing there going towards you. "oi! Brat you OK?" he asked worriedly, "yes... I'm fine" you replied.

He helps you get up, and proceeds to the skating room to exchange your shoes. After exchanging you noticed that you were wearing the skate shoes wrong, Levi saw your difficulty and starts to help you. He removes your shoes and put them in your foot nicely. "your wearing it wrong idiot" he blushes as he speaks.

You are now ready to skate, Levi told you to hold his hand incase you will fall. "hold my hand brat, you might fall" he said, you were about to enter when you almost slipped, good thing you and your boyfriend are holding hands so you can fell on him.

You said "sorry" then tries to skate away from him to not piss him off because you know how he gets pissed so fast. He then follows you and you wondered why, "hey... Why are you following me?" you asked, he smirked then said "cuz you might fall again idiot" he answered. He grabs your hand and your waist just like Cinderella and her prince but much different, you skate together like a sweet couple.

He pulls you closer, and was starting to kiss you. You accepted the kiss then smiled after.
You skated for 4 hours then the speaker said "The skating area will be closed in 10 minutes". Oh no... You said in your mind.

"It's ok" Levi said, "we'll just hang out at your place that way we can have more time than this right?" he said
You nodded as you returned the skates, you head outside then grabbed your bike then said "bye Levi I'll see you later at my place" you said smiling.

"wait" Levi said, he suddenly walks to you and kisses your cheek for a rememberance of your first 4th date, he blushed as he smirked. You then kiss him back then leaves Levi watches you from the distance checking if your safe he then blushes more then texts you.

"I Love You So Much"

Levi x Reader {Forced Marriage} Where stories live. Discover now