The Trip

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Levi's pov
I was just doing my paper work, when suddenly someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said while doing my paper work, "u-um sir?" gunter said "what is it gunter? do you have something to say?" I asked. "well... Captain were going outside the walls to get food supplies" he answered, "I see... Fine, let me just finish my paper work then we can leave" I replied.

Ugh... Going outside the walls is hard work. I wish I could visit my future wife, I mean it's not like Im....a bit worried about her, it's just theirs always no time for us to spent time together, have some lovey-dovey time alone, I just want to hang out with her she's the only one that makes me more relaxed.

Well it's time to pack my stuff. I went downstairs where my bedroom was and I came across Erwin. "oh Levi! Your wife was looking for you" Erwin said, "tch... Why?" I sarcastically asked "she said she'll join the survey corps to ask for your permission" he said with a straight face."thanks... I'll be on my way now" I replied.

Ahh!!, what the hell is she thinking?!?, join the survey corps out of the blue. Isn't she too weak to fight titans, Ugh!! That's it I won't let her join the survey corps. I ran as fast as I could to find her, I tried going to her room but she wasn't there, I go to the 2nd floor but she wasn't there too. Where could she be.....aghh Shit! I'm fucking tired, where the heck is she?!?

Hours later....
I couldn't find her anywhere so I give up. What's the damn point if she was eaten by the titans it's not like I care or something. Me and my squad was about to leave when something caught my eye.(Your Name) wait what the fuck where is she going?", I need to follow her or she'll get hurt." Petra tell Erwin to cancel our trip outside the walls, I have something important to do okay?!" I commanded as I follow my wife or my future wife," wha-- Captain!! " Petra shouted.

Your pov
I need to follow this path, commander Erwin said I must follow this path to find Levi he might be almost outside the walls. I must hurry--
"OI BRAT!!" Levi shouted, huh what the heck I thought he was....
"WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU GOING HA?! IT'S DANGEROUS IF YOU FOLLOW THIS PATH" he shouted again. I stopped the horse so he could stop too I get off, and suddenly Levi hugged me tightly. "you got me worried you brat I thought I will never see you again... Tch!" he said.

What the heck tears?... He must be really worried about me. "I-I'm sorry..." I whispered, Levi hugged me more tightly "I'm really, really sorry....... Darling. Where you looking for me?" I asked him. "goddamn right I am...why don't you come with me?" he suddenly said, "for what?" I asked curiously,"come with me outside the walls so I can't be very worried got that brat?!" he screamed. "g-got it" I answered.

We went back to where Levi's squad was. "captain?.... I thought we have to cancel the trip?" one of Levi's squad said, "yeah... I changed my mind i just went after my future wife" he said, "oh.. Then let's get going captain" gunter said.

Levi's pov
As my wife gets on the horse, I said "why don't you ride at my back so it can be more safer" I worriedly said, but she didn't accepted it. She said that she's fine of taking care of her own. I accepted her and we start to leave.

A little while....
I noticed my wife was half asleep she keeps on bumping her head on the horse. I wanted to let her ride on my horse so she can lay on my back, "stop" I commanded. As I go to my future wife's horse and grabbed her,"erd" I said "will you please take care of the horse while I put my wife at the back of mine?" I commanded him. "sure captain" he agreed.

A few minutes later, we found food and my future wife started to wake up. "oi brat wake up were here!" I told her, "huh!?... Aahh!!... Did I fell asleep I'm so sorry I promise I won't sleep" she said embarrassed. "just shut up brat we don't even care" I said sarcastically, I don't really mind if she sleeps on a trip, so she can always lay on my back.

"hey darling... Are these good?" my future wife asked, everybody looked in shock when they heard her say that. "Stupid brat!.... Don't say that out loud!" I whispered embarrassed, "it's OK Levi she is your future wufe after all right?" Erwin said as he giggles,"ugh! Just shut up so we can head back, titans might find us if we stay here long enough" I warned them. Suddenly I saw my frozed like she saw she a ghost, I asked her "oi shitty brat!.... Are you alright?", she looked at me with a shocking look. "e-evry-evrythings f-fine L-let's just hurry" she said. I never seen like that before in my life, did she remembered something? I don't know.

It was getting darker, my wife started to tremble. "oi! Are you right...hey!!" I asked curiously, she was getting worse than before so I carried her to my horse and said, "we need to go my wife doesn't feel well" I commanded them. We were about to leave when echoed footsteps were heard from the distance, Titans they found us their weren't so many tho their just a bunch of abnormals heading our way going side to side like snakes.

I hid my wife behind so many trees so titans can't find her. I command one of my squad to watch over her while me and Erwin's squad handle the titans, one of them agreed. I nodded, as I ran to the abnormals, when get closer we see a person that was on top of one of them. We don't know who but we ignored it, we just focused on the titans first, after a few titan slices the person that was on top was gone. Suddenly, one of my squad screamed at the trees where I hid my future wife, another titan?.... It came out of nowhere.

I ran to them when I stopped. There I saw the titan grabbed my wife which is asleep again. And opened its mouth to eat her, "STOPP!!!!" I shouted. I tried to ran my horse as fast as I could but good thing my squad was there to distract it. I finally have time to save her, I flew to the titans shoulder. Before I grab my future wife I noticed a head sticking out of the titans neck, A.... A person?!? I grabbed my wife and cute the titans nape. I commanded my squad to help this person down to tie him up.

My wife woke up with me carrying her. "h-hey let me go!... What the heck happened?!?" she screamed, "relax brat we just saved you from that disgusting titan" I replied, she smiled and led out a breath. We asked the man some questions about his titan and told him that he will be tested by hanji together with eren tomorrow morning. He tries to escape but we exchange the ropes to handcuffs so he cannot escape that easily.

Me and my squad headed back safely with no wounds or scratches. "hey darling?" she asked softly, "what is it?" I whispered,"can I have permission to join the survey corps?" she suddenly asked, "hell no your not" I said madly "bu-but why not?!?" she said, "you'll get hurt you brat so just shut the fuck up I'm exhausted" I said, she agreed with an "OK" and layed on my back to go to sleep again.

Authors note:
Hi guys sorry for wrong grammar if theirs any, by the way I hope your enjoying this also I hope your enjoying this too Sakura_Sakamoto sorry if your annoyed if I shout out you here but this is really a gift for you. BTW moving on this story will take a while to finish so their will ask be Levi x Reader OneShots so if u guys wanna read it soon I'll make it as fast as possible that's all everyone mmmuuuaahhh!!! 😋😘😘👐❤️


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