The Dream I

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Levi's pov
It's been days since I proposed to my beloved fiance, I wanted to see her but. Papers are causing my time to see her, I wish i could show her how I love for all these days

A few hours later.....
I finished my paper work then fixed my desk also the papers, I sighed in stress then sip the tea eren made me. "what am I going to do now?" I asked myself, then suddenly realized that I have to visit my fiance. I stand up then letting my chair to fall, I didn't care of putting my chair back as it is I just proceeded going to her room, as I was walking down the halls I saw hanji and erwin talking about something I can't hear, so I hid then listened to their conversation. "I don't know erwin I think we should let it slide" hanji said, "what are they talking about?" I whispered to myself "no we mustn't give up yet, we have to do it......for Levi" erwin said. What the fuck are they talking about? I don't understand, well.....whatever it is I'll ask about it tomorrow for now I need to visit her. I opened the door then saw only her brother sleeping, I looked around then saw blood leading to the bathroom,i followed the trail then peeked into the bathroom as I peeked my eyes widened my mouth opened then shivers on my body, "wth-what the....!?" I said trembling as I stand there doing nothing i just stare at my fiance vomiting on the toilet non-stop, I better help her and I need hanji here now...

I ran into her then hold her tightly, "(your name) wth-what happened?!" I asked panicky, she didn't answer but vomit "I'm sorry darling but it looks like you better find another wife...." she said her eyes weaken and her body fainting, she fell on my arms then starts to close her eyes "no.....tjis isn't!!!!"i shouted as I hugged my fiance tighter than ever,"please don't go I promise I'll take care of you with all my strength" I told her

Please don't go...I'm begging you

I woke up panting, and tears in my face. It was just a I looked at my side, I remembered that we slept together "hey darling why are you crying?" she said cupping my cheek I hold her hand as I cried, she stands then hugs me softly "tell me what's wrong maybe I can help you" she said rubbing my back, "NOTHING IM JUST TIRED THAT'S ALL, G-GET OFF ME!" I shouted as I pulled back from the hug, I ran out the door then slammed it, I wiped my tears as I go back in my office throwing everything on the floor smashing things, AGH DAMMIT!! Why did I dreamed about that.....i wanted to be with her but something tells me that I'm the one causing her trouble or death....i don't want that, from now on our wedding is canceled and my proposal was just trash, I'm sorry (Your Name) but it's for the best.

Your pov
Why did Levi....did I do something bad to him?, I get out of bed then wear my proper clothes. I kissed my brother in the forehead then went downstairs, as I walked through the dining area hanji and erwin start to run towards me pulling me "we need to talk" said erwin they brought me to a room that is quiet where no one can hear us. "what is it guys?" I asked confused they looked at each other then looked at me again, hanji holds my hand then said "sweetie.......your wedding is canceled" hanji said with a sad face looking down, erwin nodded as he crossed his arms I looked at them then said "Wh-whaf?.....but I just slept with him!! I just talked to him yesterday, he proposed to me!" I shouted shaking hanji, "look (Your Name) I'm sorry but it's Levi's decision so pack your stuff and we'll be leaving tomorrow" erwin said sadly they both walked away then leaves the door opened. Why does Levi do that to me, I knew that having me is just a waste I hate this.....i walked speedily to my room then packed out stuff.

Min. Later....
"well that's all of it, now time to wake Nathan up" I said to myself, I shake Nathan then starts to call his name "mm.." he sits up then rubs his eyes, "what is it Onee-Chan" he asked still half asleep "were leaving this place, come on" I told him he nodded then grabs his stuff that I just packed. We quietly opened the door then tiptoed to the front door, before me and my brother leave I looked at the windows then saw Levi working on his papers, then leaves, I'm sorry hanji and erwin but we can go home all by ourselves. We ran through the woods, until we didn't see the building in sight after a few hours of running I realized I brant the gear with me, we sat in a big tree to rest, "Nathan let's sleep here first" I told him he yawns as he nodded laying down on my lap, we both slept peacefully.

We woke up the next day then continued on our way home, as we were walking we suddenly bumped into a titan, what the....why is their a titan in the middle of the forest? Wait... Which means we're close, we quietly ran then found our cabin then went inside to put all our stuff back where it was. I put our clothes back in our drawers then fixed the our bed, Nathan jumped in the bed saying "im happy were back home again Onee-Chan" he Said rubbing himself on the bed, I giggled then layed down beside him as I looked at the ceiling "huh.....i do miss this place...and Levi" I told myself Nathan sits up then pulls my collar "Onee-Chan forget him he threw us out, then tricked you for being his wife" he reminded me, oh yeah he did I guess he really is a jerk in disguise ill never forgive him. A few minutes later a knock on the door was heard "ma'am it's the survey corps are you there?" they said, we stayed quiet as we looked out the window Levi was there, with hanji and erwin or should I say commander since I'm not his fiance anymore. I face palm my face then went to the back door, "Nathan we better go fast or they might catch us here" I said pushing him forward, I hope they would go away because I don't have time to face Levi yet since he kicked me and my sibling out, I'm scared to talk to him I want to go to place where he can't find us.....

We escaped at the back door, then as I looked forward a sword was pointed at my eye. Crap! They found us, "I found them sir they're over here" the cadet said, commander and hanji saw me and my brother I looked away then Levi starts to walk towards me, go away I don't want to see you, you jerk I hate you, go find another wife will ya....with all these thoughts in my head I hold my brothers hand then ran as fast as I could,I hold my gear as they shouted our names as we ran further until we cannot see them anymore, we stopped in a flat area with trees covering us we try to catch our breaths then sat down on each other's backs "I'm sorry Nathan but your right I should forget about him" I said still panting he nodded then said "it's OK Onee-Chan, I'm glad your listening to me now", I looked up in the clouds then saw Levi's face, huh? I shaked my head then saw nothing but ordinary clouds, *sigh* do I really miss him? I don't know I just wanted space to think about him and me, was it really true though that he canceled our marriage? He forced me to be his wife then gave up on me just like that?, I wanted to have the best years of my life yet I waste them over Levi, how stupid can I get?! I never spend time alone with my brother, I touched my brother's hair "I'm sorry Nathan I should've stayed with you" I said to myself, I heard voices from the distance as horses started running towards us. Huh?! Levi?! Oh no we better start running, I tried to get up but I sprang my ankle AH! there's no time the horses stopped forming a circle around us, all the cadets get off the horses even Levi, hanji and erwin walked towards me then asked "sweetie are you OK?!" hanji shouted erwin carried me then walked towards Levi, "STOP LET ME GO!" I shouted, I struggled trying to escape but Levi grabbed me hand "WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" he shouted "WHY THE HECK WOULD YOU RAN AWAY?!?" I looked away then snatch my hand away from his, "didn't you said that I should pack my stuff then leave?" I asked him he looked down then nodded "yes....i did, but I want to talk to you first" he said I stepped backwards then said "leave us alone, dead or alive I'm not going back, even if we need help" i walked away then pulled my brother back to our cabin, I looked back for a second then looked away.


Authors note:
Hello everyone it's me, and I just wanted to say that thanks for 200+ reads and also their will be a part 2 of this chapter as you can see. And if you want to check my other works I'll put them here.
>Cinderella is a gangster
>mystic messenger x reader OneShots

Number of words: 1686

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