The Deal

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Levi's pov
I was cooking in the kitchen peacefully when all of a sudden the telephone rang, I washed my hands then answered


"yes hello this is Dr. Hosokawa and I'm (your name)'s" he said "oh hello and what did you call here for?" I asked as I twirled my index finger on the table, "well I was wondering if you would sell your fiance to me since you don't really take your relationship seriously that much" he replied as he CHUCKLED. I was angry and decided to scold him "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT KIND OF DOCTOR ARE YOU?! MY FIANCE JUST NEEDED A CHECK UP AND YOUR ASKING ME HOW MUCH?!?" I shouted as my fiance said "darling what are you screaming about?"(I know I didn't add this at the last chapter) "sorry darling!" I shouted back

" a out it Levi ackerman" the doctor said "I'm not selling my fiance and besides she's pregnant" I said madly, "look why don't we save a deal ackerman" he said with a deep voice "if you sell me your wife I'll let you have your normal life back as a captain" he added "and what if I don't?" I asked "you and your family will die, including your babies" he said, as I was about to say something my fiance called "darling it's your turn" I grabbed my towel then quickly went inside the bathroom causing a big slam, my fiance noticed

=after showering=
I opened the door and saw my clothes prepared on the bed, I wiped myself then put on the clothes that was prepared for me then went downstairs.

I looked at the telephone if it's still on but it was back at the wall, did my wife put It back or did she talked to the doctor, as negativity ran through my thoughts I told my wife, "hey darling I'll be going somewhere tomorrow can you watch the house for me?" she nodded then said "sure..." I caught a glimpse as she narrowed her eyes at me "is there something wrong darling?" I asked worriedly, she shook her head and began to eat "oh yeah and I hope the Baby's fine" I said as I sat down beside her "the twins are fine, by the way where are you going?" she asked I don't want to let her know so I lied

"I'm just going to visit my grandma?" I answered, i don't know if she'll beleive it but I guess it'll do

"yeah....ok"she said as she narrowed her eyes at me again," why do keep on narrowing your eyes at me?!" I shouted "because I'm getting more suspicious of your actions even at the phone" she answered, my eyes widened did she knew that I'm going to the doctor? "darling it isn't what it looks like" I said as I waved my hands "oh really?" she asked "you can go tomorrow alone but when you come back I'm already packing my stuff" she said, I tried to say something but I decide not to because I know we will argue again

"alright ill--"

"JUST KIDDING HAHAHHA" she shouted, as I heard that it was just a joke my mind went blank and my head was getting a bit hot, "OK your getting on my nerves you'll see when I come back here Woman" I said still pissed shf continues laughing until I finally got out of the house

Tch. What a waste of my time, I really thought she knows about me and that FUCKING doctor, I started to jump on my horse then packed the lunch that I cooked, I left a schedule for her of what time will she take her medicine and the milk, I left a note saying 'I love you' and a winky face I didn't know this kinds of stuff I just learned it from four eyes

I left the cabin as the horse ran through the trees, it was really foggy but it's the good thing I told my fiance that she should watch the house and stay safe.

The fog was thicker in my sight but I still didn't give up, this is for me, my fiance, Nathan and for my babies. It was hours till I got out of that nasty fog it caused my eyes to sore but I still made it my eyes are still fine they can still see very well, I was looking around seeing if I was close to the hospital, I looked around ahin one last time then went straight, the fog was coming back but the only thing I can see is the path, we went across a sign saying

Levi x Reader {Forced Marriage} Where stories live. Discover now