Fianće Vs Slut

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A/N: Hey~♥

I'm going to make this chapter short because we're almost to the ending I'm sorry it took awhile but yeah thanks for the understanding!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Your Pov

I've made Levi and his so called brother 'Earl Grey Tea' I mean yes I made it for Levi at first but I didn't expect his brother would visit.

Well there goes my chance 'being alone with Levi day'.

I chuckled at myself and just shook my head as I walked to the living room to see them talking to each other calmly. I just smiled and sat down beside them pouring tea in both of their cups since I have nothing to do.

I don't want to be seen as a maid of Levi I mean yeah I've been one of Levi's cleaning soldiers but....

While fishing through my thoughts I've felt a light poke on my shoulder who I startled as I looked at his solver eyes and undercut hair.

"what's wrong darling?" I questioned as he placed his two hands besides my arms caressing them genly. He sighed and said "Y/N I'm sorry but me and my idiot brother is going on a trip later so please meet me in the room after our short conversation okay?" he said as he lovingly kissed my cheek and rubbed my head.

I nodded and just smiled at him not planning on giving him a reply, I stood up and suddenly pulled my waist as he placed his head on my stomach rubbing it really gently, he kissed it goodbye and said "daddy will just talk with uncle okay I'll talk to you two later" he said.

I laughed at the sight seeing his love towards our babies.

After that he helped me up the stairs and sat me on our bed, "stay here wait for me as I said me and my brother will have a little talk" he kissed my forehead and headed back down where he's brother was located. I smiled and scooted closer to the pillows to rest my head for a bit since I'm having troubles carrying two babies inside my belly.

Silence enters the room making me so bored. I stood up and made a narrowed face, "this isn't working waiting isn't working!" I yelled ofcourse Levi couldn't hear hee talking with his brother, I looked around the room standing up with no troubles and walled to the mirror I looked into my eyes and sighed, after that I smiled like a maniac.

I frowned and said."what's the point? I'm fat"

"just kidding"

I chuckled making a joke to myself and staring at the mirror, I could hear Levi's muffled voice downstairs and his brother, but wait....

I hear another muffled voice it's like a female's voice. That mustn't be petra! I slowly went downstairs and peek downstairs seeing Levi's back and a female who's sitting beside Levi's brother. Hugging him like some slut

I peek in closer seeing a full body female, so clear that she's wearing thick makeup, she has curves and really slim. She spotted me and smirked "why hello dear why don't you come down here?" she said in a disgusting but luring voice.

Levi looked towards me and said "oh Y/N we were just talking about you" he walked near me and held my hand along with my belly. His warm touch against me makes me calm and sleepy, "thanks darling" I said smiling at him. He kissed my cheek and helped me sat down on the couch beside him.

I looked at the woman beside his brother giving my fianće a sluttish smirk. I narrowed my eyes as I leaned close to Levi making her snap to reality with a shock face. It's so quiet...

Fuck this I'm starting a conversation!, I was about to talk about how we both met our love of our lives but she came just before me. "so Levi how old are you?" she said smiling at him innocently

Who are you petra's mother?!. I rubbed themy forehead and looked at her.

"well...I'm 25" Levi said, as the woman hummed and checked him out. That's it I'm pissed at this woman.

I was about to say something when Levi spoke, "by the way please come to our baby shower tomorrow" he said they both nodded "so um... Levi who is she?" I whispered tugging onto his shirt.

"she's my brother's wife" he whispered back.

"well she keeps staring at you"

"I know that's why me and my brother are going to test her if she'll cheat with me"

My eyes widened then gave Levi a panic look "levi you can't what if she seduces you and you'll fall for it?!" I whispered, he chuckled quietly then sighed "don't worry your still my strength" he said

"so Levi may you introduce me to her?" the woman said as she smirks again. To be honest I'm quite a pissed at everything person, I don't let people go messigg around what's mine that easily "I'm Y/N his fianće" I answered making Levi notice that I wanted him to shut up.

"oh um.... How long have you been dating?" she asked "more longer than the d**ks of different guys you've tasted" I replied, Levi covered my mouth and smiled "sorry about that darling I think we should use respect okay?" he said

"I don't know I don't show respect to people who doesn't deserve it"

She snapped and stood up walking towards me "look bitch you don't talk to me like that just because your pregnant and just boss your fianće around like that!" she yelled "and what's that to become your business?" I talked back

"he deserves a better wife like me!"

She froze as I smirked at her, I stood up and went upstairs "test finish its confirmed she wants to cheat" I said before heading to my room.

3rd person's pov

After Levi's fiancé head to their room Levi's brother pulled her outside to have a talk.

Levi sighed quite disappointed about his fiance but a little surprised he smiled and chuckled then said to himself

"what will I ever do without you"

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