Hey Brother

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Levi's pov

It was getting darker the clouds began to become a little orange with a mix of scarlet and a hint of yellow in the end.

The trees began to color itslelf dark as the darkness consumes the forest making creepy shadows and titans stomping loudly like your stomach growling when your too hungry.

I told my fianće to stay down since the titans might hear or see us just from the bottom of their asses, "don't worry we're almost there darling" I said as I held onto her tightly afraid she might fall even though she's tried it a million times but you know the problem

She's fat.

I mean pregnant sorry....

"aren't you going to slay those titans in front if us they seemed abnormal" she asked as I looked forward, my eyes wide I turn to hid in the tall trees. You must be wondering why, well you see my shitty brother is that titan he used to Rome our village once but what is he doing here? He's such an idiot to find this place does he live around here somewhere? It's been months or years since I last saw him I hated him because of our past and the death of our mother

I pity her so much.

And I blamed him for everything even my whole life.

"um.....levi ya okay?" (Y/N) asked as she looked at me worried with the moonlight hitting her eyes making a glistening shine with a hint of blue in them, I've always liked how she smiled but now it's different....

I like her body as hell now--

"LEVI!" I heard her yelled as I snapped out of my thoughts and responded "that titan just saw us so we better at least go home now" she said, I rolled my eyes playfully and stared back at my brother for a minute, seeing you makes me stress but I think I need more time so I could forgive you it's been years I know how it feels to be left alone but I couldn't face you yet

Not yet......

Your pov

Levi's been acting strange lately if I should say so myself.

He sometimes refuse to eat nor go out somewhere with me like the building or pay a visit the commander and hange, it's really annoying sometimes I don't know if he's doing this on purpose or only doing this just because of the titan earlier

"Neh Onee-chan I'm hungry where's uncle Levi?" Nathan asked rubbing his right eye, feels like very sleepy. "don't worry ill go talk to him while you go ahead" I said as I went up the stairs leaving Nathan sitting down on the dining room. I continued walking to Levi when I almost fell but caught by muscular arms and was met with Grey orbed eyes. "levi!" I jumped and hugged him "I was so worried what happened to you?! Don't you know Nathan can't eat?" I yelled making him look down and pull my hips towards our room.

"(Y/N) don't you dare tell this to anyone okay?"


He sits up straight and breaths for a moment then stared into my eyes "remember that titan earlier that we saw?" he asked calmy "yes....why?" I replied "well he's.....tch... It's hard to say but..." he stopped and breath some more air "he's my brother and I don't want you to meet him because he's like Kenny" he said as he grabbed and caressed my hand "oh....i see so that's what I've been worried about? Your brother?" I facepalmed and pecked Levi's lips forming a light pink color on his cheeks

"okay Levi it's not like I'm mad but..."



"no buts! I want to get this over with so no problems caused in this family got it?"

Levi x Reader {Forced Marriage} Where stories live. Discover now