The Problem

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Levi's pov

I woke up hearing the noisy fucking alarm clock. I stood up still half asleep "dammit why is the alarm so noisy?!" I shouted as my fiance mumbled and shifted to her left side, oh right I should be quiet since my fiance needs extra sleep.

I got off the bed then do some stretching. After that I went downstairs to drink water, as I mhm e my way into the kitchen a knock on the door was heard, I peeked a little then walked towards the door. I opened the door revealing petra "petra? What are you doing here?" I asked quite confused, she was wearing a mask as she looked from left to right, "captain the survey corps need you" she whispered "why?" I asked "do you plan on doing something to me again?" I added, she shook her head then lifts up her arms "I promise sir I have nothing on me nor have an evil doing" she replied as she look at me straight into the eye

"alright then come in"

=a few minutes later=
"so what do you want to discuss about?" I asked as I took a sip on my tea, my legs were crossed as I looked at petra looking around "where's your fiance?" she asked "she's upstairs sleeping" I answered, she nodded then hand me a letter "what this?" I asked "it was given by hanji and erwin they told me to give it to you quickly" she answered as she sip her tea, I observed the letter making sure that a trap isn't placed anywhere "don't worry there's nothing on the letter that I put" she said, I opened the letter then read,

/hey Levi it's hanji and erwin, we wanted you to come back to the building because a problem has been made, there has been another attack at the HQ some of our cadets lost lives but the others were wounded we couldn't heal them in time because titans were coming our way we've lost lots of soldiers even the beginners I hope you and your fiance is OK there but we really need you

And one more thing, we found the answer.....

-signed by hanji and erwin

I was shaking as I hold the paper, petra noticed then placed the tea at the table, "captain if you want to check on them just go I'll look after u I r fiance and Nathan or whatevs" she said as she crossed her arms and gave me the look, I shook my head then said "it's OK I'll just go get auruo and--" "auruo died" she said out of the blue, I looked at her with my eyes widened, "what?" I said "he died because we left him accidentally as we ran back to HQ were sorry captain" she said as she looked down I clenched my fists then said "you guys are so careless" "we know captain eren tried to warn us but instead we ended up having a twisted problem" she said "you could've listened to him you could've check your group you could've stop for him" I said "look captain it's no use without you that's why this happened without your help everyone dies one by one" she said, I face palmed then cried quietly so it won't be embarrassing for petra

"captain you don't have to hide your tears because even if you hid them we will still know" she said as she stood up "well my work here is done if you change your mind you might as well pack your stuff and we can leave" she said as she wore her mask again then went out feeding the horse, I went upstairs then grabbed a bag. I looked a t my sleeping fiance as I brushed her hair at the side,"I'm sorry darling but wait for me OK?" I whispered and kissed her forehead, she mumbles as I quietly packed some of my clothes and important things, I wuickly zipped my bag then went downstairs I stared at my fiance one more time then left

I opened the door then saw petra waiting for me as she gave me a straight face, "you ready to go?" she asked crossing her arms, I nodded then, walked to my horse that was only inches away from the cabin. "aren't you going to hop on?" she asked, I shook my head then replied "no thanks I have my own horse here"
"what?? Why don't you just ride in my horse it's much faster?" she said, I gave her a dead eye then jumped on my horse, she rolled her eyes then said "whatever let's just go" I nodded

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