Im Pregnant

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3rd person's pov
As Levi tries to enter his fiance's mouth he pushes his tougue harder trying to get in, his fiance can't handle it any longer so she finally opened her mouth making Levi explore their tougue's battled for dominance and Levi won(obviously) he let's go of the kiss to catch their breaths then kissed again, after a minute of kissing he slides his hands on her stomach trying to remove her shirt, she moaned as Levi slides his hands to her breasts, she trembled as Levi stopped to take off his shirt. Then kissed her roughly while his kissing her he takes of his pants leaving him in his boxers, his fiance's hands slides to his hair pulling him closer for a more deepened kiss, he stopped for a minute to stare at his fiance then removes her skirt(actually I don't really know what she's wearing but yeah) his fiance blushed then looked the other way as Levi enjoys the view he's looking at, "c-can you s-stop staring" she said as she looks at him then cupped his cheek, "please be gentle" she said Levi nodded then kissed the hickey that he gave her, "aah" Levi's fiance moaned "w-wait not....t-th-there...!" she shouted Levi covered her mouth so it can't wake Nathan "shhh....dont worry Its just me no one else" he said smiling at her he kissed her forehead then prepared my member on her entrance, "C-can I put it in?" Levi asked as he blushed a little pink it was silent for a second then she finally nodded, "y-yes y-you can..." she replied as she hugs his shoulders if she feels pain "just hold on to me when it hurts OK?" Levi said she nodded he enters half of his member in "ngh..." she mumbled "are you OK? Does it hurt?" Levi asked worriedly "gh... N-no....Now m-move darling" she said Levi obeyed then put in all in "a-Aahh... Hah.... Uhh" she moaned Levi moaned as well but hold on to her tightly "fuck...." Levi said "darling I can't a-anymore" he said he picks speed fapping faster "aahh~.....wait you s-said y-youll be gentle ngh..!" Levi fapped even faster "ugh... Darling I'm going to..." he stopped then splurt his climax inside her, Levi collapsed on top of her catching their breaths as they said "i love you (your name)" you smiled then replied "I love you too Levi" they both smiled then Levi tucked themselves in bed facing each other then fall asleep.

Levi woke up facing his fiance, he gets off the bed to put on his boxers then do stretching. "mm" his fiance mumbled Levi looked to her then sat beside her, his lovely fiance opened her eyes seeing Levi covering the sunlight "d-darling?" his fiance called Levi nodded with a "mhm.." he kissed his fiance in the forehead then said "good morning baby~" smirking at her he leans closer, his fiance was confuse then starts to slide away from him "WOAH WOAH WOAH!" she shouted "LEVI IS THAT YOU?!" she said shocked he nodded then crawled closer to her, his fiance went backwards but she was about to fall when Levi catched her "hm? I wonder if we could do round 2?" he said to himself letting his fiance hear it "NAH UH!, I JUST DID THAT TO YOU BEACAUSE I WANTED TO!" she shouted "well I wanted round 2" he replied she blushed as she covers her face "I better go to the bathroom" she said as she get off the bed, Levi nodded lustfuly then followed her "can you please? Stop following me go make breakfast or something jeez" she said Levi chuckled then went downstairs "alright Missy brat" he replied as he walked to the kitchen

Levi was putting on his apron while suddenly he heard screams upstairs, he went to check it out and followed the screams. Once he was upstairs the screams leads to the bathroom, "what the... Darling? You OK?" he asked as he knocked on the door his fiance has no answer at first but instead she slammed the door opened she looked Levi straight in the eye "LEVI" she called, Levi was confused and holds her shoulder  "why are you screaming like a lost brat?" he teased, his fiance showed him what's the deal then asked "is that a thermometer are you sick? That what your worried about? I can take care of you" he replied she facepalmed then said "I'm pregnant" Levi froze as he steps backwards with a blank face "p-p-p-p-pregnat?!?!?!?!" he shouted he almost fainted but flighted it, he hugged his fiance then said "I'M SO HAPPY!" his fiance chuckled then hugs back "I'm happy too" she answered

A few minutes later....
They pulled from the hugged then have themselves a morning kiss "I really love you" Levi said she smiled then hugged him while jumping "haha, I'm excited what it's gender and I can't wait to see him or her" she said Levi chuckled then hugged her belly saying "don't worry little guy, mommy and daddy will take care of you, when your out i promise whatever happens ill be strong to protect you" his fiance teared up when she heard him say that she also holds her belly "me too" she said Levi stands up then wipes the tears of his fiance then smiled to each other, "well I was about to make breakfast when you suddenly scream so want to cook with me?" he asked "I WANT TO!" Nathan screamed, the couple was shocked that Nathan was feeling a little better then ran towards him saying "NATHAN?!" they called "mhm!" he answered they hugged him then told him to go downstairs after he brush his teeth. Nathan nodded then rushly went to the bathroom, "well while waiting for him let's hurry to make breakfast" Levi said his fiance nodded then hold hands with him, they walked slowly down the stairs then to the kitchen, Levi helped his fiance put on her apron "oh thanks darling" she said, he nodded then told her to get the ingredients while he prepares the boiling water, his fiance nodded then opened the fridge "hey darling do we need eggs?" she asked Levi answered with a "yes darling" his fiance looked for the eggs but she can't find anything "hey darling their isn't any eggs, want me to go buy some?" she said "what? No your pregnant people these days might...." Levi stopped then have an idea "how about let's go to true market as a family let Nathan come with us" he said she agreed then called Nathan

"Onee-Chan where are we going?" he asked "where going to the market" she answered, Nathan smiled then holds Levi and his fiance's hand tightly like a real family well sort of. They arrived at the market then looked around to find eggs "um...dsrling I don't see eggs or some other fruits" his fiance said "I know darling, but let's get you medicine for the baby" he said she nodded then hold hands together with Nathan

"One-Chan I'm hungry..."nathan said as his belly growled in hunger the couple doesn't know what to do so they gave him a piece of the food that was given to Levi back at the party," you'll eat this for now OK?" Levi told him Nathan nodded then ate the food," well since we can't find any eggs guess we should go and buy medicine" she decided "hm" Levi mumbled they walked to the drug store then ask for medicine that are for pregnant women, the seller gave them a bottle of pills that is color red which stands for fate. They accepted the sellers pills then gave him money, "Onee-Chan? Why did you buy pills are you sick?" Nathan asked worrying about her big sister, "no Nathan i just have someone in my belly" she answered "s-someone?! Is it hurting you?!" Nathan panicked, they both chuckled then said "no nathan, your big sister is pregnant" Levi said with a smile. Nathan's eyes opened wide than ever then hugged his Onee-Chan "Really?! I can't wait to meet her or him" he said hugging and rubbing her belly "were happy too Nathan" they both said they hugged each other for awhile until Nathan faced to her belly "hello baby, I can't wait to play with you I wish we can be good siblings from now on" Nathan said the couple smiled then said "well we better head home I think I made a couple of pancakes when me and Levi was...nevermind" Levi's fiance said, Levi smirked then leaned closer "Did what?" he asked teasing her, "nothing I said!" she walked away blushing as Levi followed her laughing, "I'm just kidding! Stop or you might get hurt!" he shouted

They went back to the cabin, as she brings out the pancakes that she made last night. "OK Nathan here it is" she said Nathan thanked her Onee-Chan then eats, while Levi sat on the couch watching TV his fiance looked at hik for a bit until he glared at her smirking, she blushed as she looks away 'this bastard I'll crush you when I'm not pregnant anymore' she said to herself, she went upstairs to change into her dress because her stomach will be getting bigger soon. 'that's better' she said to herself she suddenly heard footsteps coming towards her as she tries to hand chop the person sneaking up on him, the person douge her attack, "What the... LEVI?!" she said shocked, Levi smirked saying "yup that's me" he let's go of his fiance's hand then hugged her waist "what are you doing?" she asked Levi ignored her question then rubs her belly slowly as he placed his head on her shoulder "let me stay like this for awhile please" he said she agreed then pats his head.

'well I guess if I let you stay like this I guess it's OK, but making that adorable face hah I can't control mysekf but to look at you' she said to herself she smiled as she leaned her head on Levi.


Authors note:
Hello again readers, and thank you for reading my story I hope you enjoy well I guess this is the end

And if you like to read my other stories that I made ill leave them here
>Cinderella is a gangster
>Mystic messenger x reader OneShots
> Lost But Not Gone [Kody x lumine] Lemon
That's all for today readers have a great day, afternoon or night I'll see you in the next one and if you like this story add it on your library to get notified HAHA BABAY!

Number of words:1839

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