The Promise II

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Your pov
The next day...
Levi got out of bed early, to finish his other papers while I fix the bed. As I was went to the laundry room to wash the bed sheets I came across hanji, she was surprised that I was here so she began to greet me "oh hello sweetie getting those sheets clean for Levi huh?", I blushed as I nod going pass her. Wow I didn't  know she was very concern about our relationship.... Well she is Levi's close friend and all but why do I feel this way? "JEALOUSY?" nah that's not it I will never be jealous of her they're just friends nothing to worry about, I started to put the sheets in a large bucket that already has water, then I washed the sheets. I then hang it outside where Levi can see it.

I looked through Levi's window, but nobody was there so I still have Time to go clean the other rooms for him. I went back inside then change into my cleaning wear, "hey Nathan you do whatever you want I'll just do cleaning OK?" I told him "m'kay Onee-Chan", I left with the door open so Nathan can go outside why? Because the damn doors lock was broken it just broke yesterday. Levi must've open the door so quickly he broke it by accident I guess he didn't notice until today, I go downstairs to check Levi's room..... What the heck? It's freaking clean, he is such a clean freak I think he always clean his room  I left his room without a single spot so he can't get angry again. I cleaned up the other rooms after then suddenly Levi pops out of nowhere at my back "HEY! what the heck are you doing?!" I asked still frightened of what he did "why brat? Am I not allowed to visit my future wife ha?!" he said then leans closer, "uhm... Levi I should go back to cleaning it's really dirty over there" I told him, he looked at the dot that was dirty then looked at me again this time he puts his face closer then kissed my forehead "your right brat I guess I better go back to work" he leaves without looking back at me.

I finished cleaning an hour ago, and i think that it's time to check on my little brother. I go up the stairs and went to our room, when I go inside he wasn't there that little.... When I find him he's gonna have a taste of his own medicine. I went downstairs madly that my footsteps are loudly echoeing through the walls the soldiers were interrupted by my loud steps but I didn't care I still look for my brother, I ask every room of they have seen him but not a single nod I gave up after and thought that he was eaten alive by titans. No that's impossible I should not think of negative things suddenly a shadow appeared "L-Levi?" I called he, I looked up and saw him holding my little brother Nathan "this brat was wondering around then passed  through my office I assume he's lost so I decided to bring him to you besides you might be worried" he said with no expression on his face. I nod then thanked him, "Nathan your going to have a punishment after worrying me that badly, nextime don't wonder off like that" I told him as we walked to the hall Levi suddenly grabbed my hand then said "I'm coming with you brat since I have nothing to do, let's have a little fun" he smirked,I have a bad feeling about this.

We went back to our room with levi. "Onee-Chan I wanna take a shower!!" my little brother whined, I nodded then replied with an "OK go ahead" he then removes his clothes in the shower room then throws it out the door so I can get it. Levi helped me, "hey..." he called? "I know I asked you this yesterday but.... Don't play dumb with me" he said, what the hell is he talking about "wh-what do you mean?" I asked confused he moves closer then said "the Promise brat I know it's not a dream so tell the truth" he looked into my eyes. "yeah OK.... I did remember the Promise and Im really sorry I lied to you... I'm just testing if your just messing with me to be my future husband" I answered I bowed my head facing the floor in embarrassment, "why the fuck would I do that? That's why I chose you to be my wife right? Because I'm serious about you I always pass by your cabin because I darn liked you" he said with his face totally red. I looked to him again then giggled "what the heck are you giggling about brat?" he said still blushing, "hehe.. Sorry your just so cute when you blush" I complemented he leand closer then kisses me passionately. I kissed him back while his hand slides through my hair pulling me closer.

I break the kiss while blushing. "oi! I didn't tell you to stop didn't I?" he said I cupped his face then kissed his forehead, "I'm sorry I'm just embarrass to kiss you like this" I said to him with my hands still cupped on his face. He suddenly holds my hand then pulls me in for a hug, he's warm I'd never been hugged this warm before, jeez since I was so mean to my mom I never get the chance to let her hugged me. well dads hugs are just normal for me but mom's I'm just begging for it,i went back to reality then started hugging him back "Levi" I called "what is it brat?" he asked "I Love You" I told him he hugs me tighter then said "I love you too.... My future wife" he said, I broke the hug then put my face closer to him "why don't we make it official?" I said he asks "what do you mean?", "let's just be boydriend and girlfriend so we can't call each other future wife/husband" I said while I smile he kissed me then said "I'd love to brat". We hugged again then.

My brother finished taking a shower and it's my turn. "well darling I guess it's my turn to take a shower... Let's see each other tomorrow I promise I'll make you breakfast" I said, he blushed then nodded "I'm looking forward to it brat" he leaves as he halfcloses the broken door. Good thing he didn't close it completely if he did, me and my brother are so going to spend eternity together here.

End of chapter

Authors note:
Hello thank you for 100+ reads I really appreciate it and by the way sorry for the wait I overslept and I forgot I should make this chapter by the way please check out my other stories "Cinderella is a gangster" and "Mystic Messenger x reader OneShots" thanks for the wait and God bless you and your bloody nose if it's even bloody.

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