Going Somwhere "Important"

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Your pov

"why what about the titans eyebrows?" levi asked as he placed his chin on his palm "you see Levi we need you back in the team" erwin said serious I looked at him worriedly as he nodded "im sorry erwin but--" "levi.....we really need you, our soldiers are becoming lessee and lesser" erwin said cutting Levi off "I know that but what about my fianće?" levi asked "it's okay Levi everyone needs humanity's strongest and our  twins and Nathan needs me, but for you. The people need you" I said as I stood up then kissed his cheek feeling disappointed. I'm sorry Levi it's for the safe of humanity and I won't let us lost because of you taking care of me and our children, it's also difficult for me but I think it's for the best

Levi's pov

As my fianće walked up the stairs I looked at erwin then said "I'll get back in the team but if only I'll always visit my fiance alright?" I said he nods then soon gave me a letter which is from four eyes "thanks alot" I responded "always welcome short stuff" he replied chuckling, I'm pretty sure (Y/N) is disappointed in me because of this....


If I quit now humanity will be the end because of me, I wanted to stay because my fianće is pregnant but I wanted to save humanity at the same time, I looked down having two decisions stuck in my head, whatever shall I do? I mean it's only until the fight ends and after that I can finally be with (Y/N) forever and ever right?

"so after the fight may I live a happy life with my fianće now?" I asked clenching onto the paper "yes you may Levi I fact if you want we'll let (Y/N)--" I cut him off "it's okay I'll be the one to come home" I said he nods then laughs "you really are desperate Levi ever since we first met" he said "no I wasn't"

"well whatever I'll be going now. read hanji's letter it's important" he said I smiled then nodded he leaves soon after as I walked to the kitchen so Nathan and my fianće couldn't see the letter. I opened the folded letter then read:

Dear Levi,

HELLO SHORTY HOW'S (Y/N)? oh I'm so jealous I can't believe that you guys are having children soon wish her Goodluck from the survey corps Levi, I know if I'm telling you this directly you'll definetely cut me off and make me get to the point.

So the reason why erwin let you read this letter because of the titans they are disforming and acting strangely some of them are also transforming into humans, I try to interview them and they seem to be forgotten our language and starts to roar or maybe stomp hehe.

Well I need you here now because

We have something to discuss. It's about (Y/N) and your wedding me and erwin will help you



"discuss what?" I questioned erwin, he winked and leaned close to me "it's a distraction" he answered, wait distraction? What is he talking about I mean I understand that--

"if your wondering what am I talking about its about your wedding between your fiance (Y/N) also you need some time do you? Me and hanji will distract her and you'll go to Nile and the others to planned for your wedding" he said, "oh." is all I could say then went out the door "well then thank you eyebrows and take care of her, if you lay one finger your balls are cut into millions of pieces" I exclaimed as I hopped on my horse and ran deep into the woods leaving erwin with my fianće.

Levi x Reader {Forced Marriage} Where stories live. Discover now