Chapter 19: Where Is The Princess?

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I watched as she kept breathing uncontrollably. She was still on her knees, weeping and breaking down miserably. I didn't know how to feel about it.

On the one hand, she looked pathetic. The Queen herself, losing her mind and letting her heart decide how she reacted to her situation, she never let that happen.

Claudia wasn't easy. She was very hard core and always willing and ready to shoot. Heck, just a minute ago I almost begged for my life. The look she gave me was like granite, pounding down on me and squashing me like a bug, with just one look.

Knowing Claudia, she wasn't a bad person, in all honesty. She just didn't hesitate. She learned to hold back her tongue and pull the trigger for so long, she had completely forgotten how to show some sympathy. She always did things on impulse, which was usually a 'shoot first questions later' reaction.

On the other hand, she had my family. My beautiful Hilary and my baby boy Mason. My one and only. I wanted them back, even if it meant challenging the Queen. I would do that, risk my own life, just to get them back.

Then again, if I died, who'd take care of them? Even if Claudia took them away, how sure was I that she was taking care of them? How sure was I that they were safe, and healthy, and happy? I wasn't. Claudia could've done anything to them.

My leg kept aching, bleeding and the cold atmosphere in the room didn't make anything any easier. Zeus kept putting pressure on it with his black long sleeve shirt, while Bullet got tools to get the bullet out and Blade kept the ladies under control.

We couldn't afford to call the ambulance. It would blow everything out of proportion and a high radar profile was supposed to be the least of my worries.

I looked at Claudia again, keeping my throat from completely drying up, and blinked several times, trying to at least make sure for a fact, Claudia was sobbing on her knees.

I had to get to them, before she did. I didn't even know where my family was.

"Cl-Claudia..." I stuttered pathetically, she kept crying in her hands, looking heartbroken. "Claudia, I... I want my f-family." I whispered to her.

"Shut up!" She screamed at me, suddenly snapping back to who she was. She stood up hastily and walked over to me. She looked mad as hell.

"You took them from me! You took them all the way to the other fucking side of this fucking Earth and now you expect me to show you some sympathy!" She screamed at me, then suddenly kicked viciously at my already wounded leg.

"Woah Ma!" Zeus jumped up, pushing his insane mother away from him.

My leg bled even more, now shaking uncomfortably, and I gripped myself, trying my hardest to keep from groaning in pain. I wasn't going to show my weakness to her, she had an unhealthy habit of exploiting peoples' pain.


"I want my family back or else..." I screamed back at her, hoping to strike a nerve in her.

Inside, I was weak. I just wanted to cry, I was literally using everything in me to keep myself going. She looked like a mentally unstable patient missing from a mental asylum and I immediately feared for my life.

I was in pain and I was scared. Scared for my leg, for my family, for my children, for my already depleting heart rate, for the future, for her family, and most especially, for Claudia.

I was scared of and for Claudia. She looked like she wanted to kill me and her son tried everything that he could to keep her from me. He was on his knees before her, begging her to calm the hell down.

I was also scared for her. I told her family that she said that she didn't want anything to do with her. I didn't know how they would react once they saw her.

But then again, I shouldn't have been caring, she didn't want to give me back Hilary and Mason.

"Claudia my son!!" I yelled one last time, before running out of breath. I was running out of life, losing blood greatly, and I still didn't know where they were.

If I passed out before learning of their location, she would find hers, and then kill Hilary and Mason. She'd have no reason to keep them alive anymore.


I blanked out painfully and all of a sudden, everyone screamed out for me, crowding me and shaking me while the room blacked out and my mind blurred into total black.


I opened my eyes, batting my eyelids simultaneously, and heaving my chest up and down, trying to remember what the hell happened.

Once I remembered, I sat up immediately and hyperventilated like a maniac, wanting desperately to know how long I'd been passed out for.

"Dad. Dad, chill!" Poseidon called for me. He had been sitting on the couch in my room next to my bed, staring carefully on his phone and listening to music trough his earphones. He dropped everything when he saw me move and jumped to me, trying his hardest to calm me down. It wasn't working.

"Where's your mother?!" I barked, suddenly feeling strong again. I was ready for anything now.

"Dad, calm down." He said again, much to my dismay. That was not the answer that I was looking for.

Suddenly, everyone came in running. Athena looked a bit better, Mona was gripping tightly to her big black bible in her arms and Zeus was the first at me, asking me unnecessary questions.

"Shut up!!" I screamed, silencing my already baffled family. It was absolute mayhem, but that wasn't important.

I looked around me, thinking about something. Not Claudia, but someone else. Bullet, Mona, Athena, Zeus, Poseidon.

"Hera!" I screamed up, making everyone gasp, then the mood changed dramatically. Everyone seemed to seal themselves up, obviously trying to keep something to themselves.

"Where is Hera? And Blade? Claudia? Where did they go?!"

Everyone just kept silent, avoiding my questions completely, I was really starting to get annoyed. And it showed.

"SOMEBODY ANSWER ME!!!" I screamed with all that I had in me, not realising how powerful my voice had become.

They all looked at each other, exchanging looks to each other. Obviously trying their hardest to debate discreetly about who the hell was going to tell me.

I already knew the truth, lord I knew it! I just needed someone to take me out of my misery. Someone to tell me that it was all going to be alright, tell me what I would love to hear, instead of what I would like to avoid hearing.

I needed someone to at least lie to me, make me feel better, tell me that they were on some business meeting. Something! Anything else other than the truth.

"Someone please say..." I whispered, now feeling my frustration get the better of me, "... SOMETHING!!!! WHERE ARE THEY?!!"


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