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Wassup everybody! I know most of y'all have questions for my characters that you feel that you need answers to, so I've decided to set a few questions just for the characters who really confuse you guys. Any other questions you have for them, please comment and they'll be answered.

Question for Zeus: Why do you ask so many questions?
Zeus: Everything about my life is just so confusing. My mother most especially, she never does things without a purpose and most of the times, that purpose is completely unknown. So I always ask just to get my confusions clarified. I know it annoys the crap out of her, but there's nothing else I can do.

Question for Athena: Why do you hate Hera so much?
Athena: I don't hate her. I just don't like how high and mighty she acts. She makes it seem as though she's better than all of us, and she's also a suck up. I don't like that, but I can't hate my own sister.

Question for Hilary: Did you fall in love with Zeus because you wanted a way into the King fortune?
Hilary: Why are you insulting me? I do love Zeus, he's the one for me! I don't care about the money, I've spent my entire life living an average life so why would I want money now. I do love Zeus and that's why I'm going to have his son. If you have a problem with that, then you can take that problem and shove it!

Question for Blade: Have you ever had feelings for Claudia?
Blade: Hah! That's funny, me? Feelings? Claudia? No man, that's hilarious. Hahaha! I mean I guess the only feeling I've ever had for Claudia is fear and respect, that lady scares me to death. Uh, feelings. Classic.

Question for Claudia: Why didn't you kill Charles?
Claudia: Why would I kill the person I love?

Question for Claudia: Did you kill Brent Jens and Pablo Vesquez?
Claudia: I work in an empire consisting of more than ten countries and more than fifty people in each. Criminals with the highest regards for status and power and the lowest regards for people and humanity. Measures have to be taken to protect our reputations.

Final question for Charles: If there was one thing you wished to change about your past, what would it be?
Charles: Not stopping Baxter from killing himself. I live with the regret of that everyday.

Well I hope that clarifies all of your confusions and remember that if there is something you want asked, comment and it'll be answered.

Questions from my readers:

This question is from Mysterious-X
Q:  Why didn't you tell Claudia the real purpose of you betraying her?
Hera: I wanted my father to believe every word that I was saying. I also knew that if I told my mother, she'd never allow me to do so. It was for both their own goods. I swear that I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

This question is from Mysterious-X.
Q. Did you kill Brent Jens and Pablo Vesquez?
Claudia: They were starting to become a problem that needed solving.

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