That's Life// BamChan

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That's Life
BamChan (BamBam x Chan)
Genre: fluff
Status: strangers - married
Words: 12726

 Tree's danced and shifted in the wind around him, the sun high in the sky but masked by the leaf canopies and tall, glass buildings. A thin but lean, well dressed figure walked the concrete trails of the city park casually, hands stuffed in his pocket and fingers play diligently with the metal blade inside. A charming smile shielded his storming anger to every bystander who spared him one too many looks, and sent them on their way without another thought. "BamBam." The white haired man flickered his eyes up slowly to be met with a man with dark brown hair and a gentle, but stern expression. "Come sit."

BamBam inched forward, sitting beside his friend on the bench and crossing his legs. To any onlooker, it looked as if they were strangers due to the way BamBam was pivoting his head away from Youngjae and the elder was fidgeting with his wallet. "Was it taken care of?" BamBam hushed, picking at his nails and acting as if he wasn't speaking to Youngjae at all. The blonde heard a scoff from beside him, smirking to himself at the offense taken from his question.

"Of course. I don't back out on my part of the deals." BamBam hummed in false amusement at the bite to Youngjae's tone. He knew he deserved the blow, but that didn't keep the irritation in his heart from flaming up. "Don't take it too personally, kid. I've worked with more malicious men than you who have fucked me over more times than I can count on my own two hands. You're reliable..." Youngjae paused, weighing his compliment in his head for a moment, "to an extent." He finished, earning himself a cough and slight snort of gratitude. "Classy."

"Your money will be transferred over to your account in five minutes." BamBam informed without hesitation, "And before you ask, no track records or anything. As per usual. However, I have another job for you. It might be harder to carry out and I understand if you wish to decline." Youngjae faltered for a moment. Of course his abilities had been doubted before but BamBam never went out of his way to let Youngjae know he could decline. It only made him more intrigued by who this new target could possibly be. "Interested?"

"You're giving me the option of declining, kid. Of course, I'm curious."

"There's an uprising gang leader coming from the western side of the city. He's been causing me issues and interfering with my trades. I need him gone." Youngjae was rather confused as to why BamBam was giving him the option to decline an offer like that purely because he had taken out higher positions before, "I know it may seem small, but he's good at covering his tracks. He's smart and strategic." BamBam paused for a moment, an obvious fire burning within his eyes, "But don't mistake my admiration for weakness. He has fucked me over one too many times and he must die. I will pay you a fair price for his death. Enough to where you can retire and live comfortably for the rest of your life."

Youngjae weighed his options for a moment. Could it possibly be risky trying this? Of course. But the idea of the money he would get out of it was enough to make him drool down his chin. He couldn't resist it. "Give me the details." BamBam dug through his pocket until he pulled out a crisp, folded white piece of paper and left it on the bench as he got up without another word. He could feel Youngjae staring holes into his back as he left but BamBam didn't care. BamBam had much more important matters to attend to within the hour. A smirk rose on his lips when he felt his phone ping with the familiar sound that told him Youngjae just took the target.

Jaebum would no longer be a problem.

BamBam had planned on leaving the park afterwards, but something made him loop back around, Youngjae nowhere in sight but instead, there was a little girl stood in the middle of the sidewalk, holding a koala stuffy close to her chest and letting her tears seep into its head as she looked around frantically. "Papa?" She kept screaming out but there had been no reply and BamBam felt the fire in his heart die and be replaced with something along the lines of a paternal instinct. The girl turned, catching BamBam's eye and she hiccuped over her tears.

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