The Ocean Sings "Happy Birthday"//2Minchan

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The Ocean Sings "Happy Birthday"

2minchan (Seungmin x Minho x Chan)

Genre: Fluff

Status: ???

Words: 3,235

I'm alive

"Oh birthday, oh birthday, it's my brother's birthday!" Yugyeom's voice bounced off the marble walls all around them, twirling and flipping through the water before he reached his brother's room. Yugyeom hesitated at the pale pink shell doors for a few moments, scared that Seungmin may not be as excited as he is for Seungmin sweet 19 birthday. "Minnie, Minnie, Seungminnie, are you awake?" Yugyeom knocked lightly at the door, waiting just a few moments when he heard some rustling inside and the woosh of water before the door creaked open revealing Seungmin's tired expression. "Aw, did you just wake up?" Yugyeom cooed loudly, shoving his way through the door and cupping Seungmin's cheeks to roll them in his palms.

Seungmin just grumbled sleepily. "Fuck off. It's too early for your false peppiness." Yugyeom's electrified happiness and softness drained away only to be replaced by a mischievous Joy. A feeling Seungmin knew all too well. "What do you want? I want to sleep," Seungmin questioned with a huff, swimming away from the door to level himself down on the cushions layering the inside of a very large shell that can only be found at the bottom of the sea. Yugyeom only laid himself down beside Seungmin's curled up form. Seungmin grumbled lightly when Yugyeom's heavy tail draped over his own, elbowing Yugyeom in the ribs.

"Hey now! I was going to take you out for breakfast like the best brother I am, but obviously, you're gonna be a dick about it so now I won't," Yugyeom huffed, punching Seungmin in the shoulder. This only lead to the two roughhousing, but since Yugyeom was a soldier who had to keep in tip-top shape, Yugyeom soon held Seungmin pinned down into the pile of cushions on the bed while the two laughed and grunted to win this rather futile fight. "Submit!"

"No!" Seungmin squealed with laughter, using the brunt of his scaley shoulder to slam into Yugyeom's chest and throw him off. Seungmin darted out toward his open window, swimming around the coral, marble, and rocky sidings of the tall tower in the middle of town. Yugyeom came barreling behind him trying to catch Seungmin but didn't make a genuine effort until they reached their mother's open window and went darting through, Yugyeom's fingers curling around Seungmin's fin and causing the younger to yelp before they tumbled to the hard ground. The woman, who was also their mother, in the room didn't seem bothered by them in the slightest.

"Morning, boys," She hummed beautifully, brushing through her dark short hair before pinning it back with golden pins and starfish willing to be of use to mermaids. Only if they wished.

"Morning, momma," They both chimed at the same time, panting heavily while laying on the ground. They both began to punch each other at the sentence uttered at the same time.

"Happy birthday, Minnie baby," She hummed once more, grinning softly when Seungmin got up to kiss her on the cheek. "You better go out with your brother this morning. You know he's going back to the dark waters next week so you better spend all the time you can with him." She scolded, and Seungmin nodded with a gulp, flickering his now sad eyes toward a grim-looking Yugyeom. Of course, the Kim family was very proud of how talented Yugyeom was in combat and how much money he made, but they didn't enjoy that Yugyeom had to go down to the dark waters where they kept the cruelest of their kind away from everyone else. The deep, dark waters where everyone became translucent after a while, a very stark contrast to the reefs where the Kim Family stayed, and the dark became an entirely new entity to fear.

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