Highway To Hell// Seungchan

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Highway To Hell

Seungchan (Seungmin x Chan)

Genre: fluff

Status: Strangers

Words: 35, 728

The world is far too vast, far too big for there not to be deep, chilling lore behind creatures that are far more powerful, developed, and intelligent than humans. There are too many layers to this society for there not to be an underground somewhere filled to the brim with beings that would not be accepted in the day of the human world and so are forced to show themselves at night – or this godforsaken holiday named Halloween.

No one really knew this, humans, anyway, but Halloween for the supernatural world did not mean parties, alcohol, giggling children, and candy. Halloween was freedom and fear all the same. Long ago, before records were kept and stories that were once considered real but are now nothing more than just myths, there was a nobleman. Bang Chan was practically royalty at that time, but it hadn't been because he was so well-liked and had such a great influence. In fact, it was purely because everyone knew he was, knew what power he had and the poor souls he had taken with an easy snap of his fingers. Bang Chan had instilled this undying fear into the people of the kingdom, even the royalty itself – except for the pretty prince Hwang Hyunjin, who he had seduced into becoming one of his own.

Bang Chan was evil, sometimes even considered more evil than Lucifer himself, and right when the town had practically burned to the ground and there was no other life to be seen except for Chan's blood family, a witch an ounce more powerful than Chan came along and fucked all of his plans up, forcing him to sleep for five lifetimes before he was allowed to see the light of day again on an October 31st.

That's why Halloween was fearful for those who remembered and believed this legend. Those who were around during that time know exactly what Bang Chan is capable of and they knew that once he opened his eyes, the world was doomed. Even Lee Minho knew that. That's why everything worked out the way they did.

Because Lee Minho was no idiot, and he knew exactly what Chan needed.

Five lifetimes worth of sleep and someone to reteach him the ways of the world.


666 Miles Until You Reach Your Destination.

Generally, there are a few types of sleep: light sleep and deep sleep. There was also what many considered a coma, but that wasn't quite what Chan experienced either. Bang Chan was practically frozen in time, because no one in a coma could survive five lifetimes and still wake up not looking a day over 22, and no one could recover from it after a singular kill in the dark alley beside a corner shop after stumbling around streets you definitely don't recognize but don't have the energy to be frightful. No. Because only a creature like Bang Chan could be walking around a city he didn't know without an ounce of fear in his cold, dead body.

Instead, he felt nothing but irritation and confusion. There were people running around in clothes that looked cheap and could tear at any moment but had priceless jewelry around their necks and wrists. There were small children passing by him and complimenting his 'costume' and Chan was left staring after them with confusion bubbling in his heart. Did they have no idea who he was? Chan could kill them all if he really wanted to! Maybe he'd need a bit more blood first before going on a killing spree, but that was only a minor detail. "Hey, bro. That's a lit costume! You should come to join us at this party we're going to at the Han House!" That last name sounded too familiar for Chan to resist, so he followed the pretty blonde boy with the stars across his cheeks and a smaller, braces covered one attached to his arm.

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