Hi! Just General Updates!

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So, I'm still alive and I really wanted to apologize for leaving this whole account hanging for so long. 

Just some general updates. 

I just got finished with updating and editing everything that doesn't require new moodboards, and I just wanted to let everyone know that hopefully those that have been left unedited will be done by the end of the month. I can't guarantee anything, but they should be done at the latest, by the end of the year. 

Due to me doing Nanowrimo this year, I won't be publishing anything in November, but I don't plan to stop writing for SKZ soon because I'd like to finish up the series and books I never got to finish. 

Will there be stable, frequent updates? 

No, because I'm a college student who has to get a job soon, and doesn't have the time like I used to. I'm going to try and publish something every month, but it'll probably be every other month. 

And for those asking about The Song of The Sea, That will be properly dealt with and I promise it wont go anywhere

Thank you for being so patient everyone :(( I'll be back soon

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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