Rebuilding Passion //Hyunsung

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Rebuilding Passion

Hyunsung (Hyunjin x Jisung)

Genre: Fluff

Status: dating

Words: 2354

Passion has little do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. It's not about feeling good but waiting and knowing that what you're fighting for will be worth it. It's about finding something your heart craves and your fingertips itch for.

And perhaps that's why Hyunjin and Jisung left the dorms and locked themselves in a hotel in the middle of Europe away from the rest of the group. Their passion for one another wasn't dying per say, but there was a growing tension between them that they had to settle before it grew too big. So, in theory, a vacation for the two of them would help them, as it worked for Chan and Changbin at one point, and get rid of this tension between them. However, when they arrived to the hotel, they were ready to collapse into the mattress and die for the next day and a half but realized there were two beds instead of one. "Which one do you want?" Jisung murmured from behind him, breath fanning over the back of Hyunjin's neck. The elder shrugged, setting his bag down and taking Jisung's to set it down as well.

"You decide, babe. I'm going to take a shower." Hyunjin hushed, feathering what felt like a promise of a kiss instead of an actual one against Jisung's cheek. The younger nodded, not even sparing his boyfriend a look when Hyunjin dug through his bag to grab his things. Jisung only flopped down on one of the beds like a starfish and let his body relax into the mattress. Surprisingly enough, no matter how tired Jisung was, he just wasn't comfortable in those clothes and couldn't let himself fall asleep. So, with a whine and huff, Jisung threw himself up and off of the bed and stumbled over to one of the bags without really thinking. He just pulled out a white t-shirt that smelled like Hyunjin and practically engulfed him before stripping himself of his pants and hoodie and slipping the shirt over his head.

Jisung was practically swimming in it, the collar draping off of his shoulders and exposing his collar bones and upper chest, but it smelled of Hyunjin and that was the only thing that mattered to Jisung when he crawled up under the bed covers and let his head hit the pillow. As soon as his eyes fluttered shut, he was out like a light, but it seemed that the light was flickering because every now and then, he would shift and wake up for a few moments. First, the shower was still running but Hyunjin was singing softly, the second time the shower was off but the bathroom door was still shut, and then the third time Hyunjin had been sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at Jisung fondly and stroking his calf through the white covers. "What?" Jisung croaked playfully, letting his eyes clasp shut for a few seconds. When Hyunjin didn't say anything, Jisung peeped his eyes back open and saw that Hyunjin hadn't moved an inch except for the hand lightly squeezing his leg.

Jisung sat up with a slight grunt, letting his body hang forward so he didn't fall back onto the mattress and Hyunjin let the hand that was on Jisung's calf rest in the younger's hair, pushing it back and creating rather odd hairstyles with tiny giggles. Normally, Jisung would have whined and batted his hands away, but he was far too tired and quite frankly, it felt nice. "Go to sleep." Hyunjin rasped, pressing lightly on Jisung's shoulder and shoving him down onto the mattress. Jisung only held his arms out, whining for cuddles and Hyunjin smirked. "Cuddles?" Jisung shrieked when the elder suddenly stood up on the bed, and curled up in on himself. Hyunjin laughed and got down, grabbing his phone from the dresser and placing it on the nightstand by Jisung's, both blown up with calls and texts from the other members asking if they made it there safely but they figured they would just answer them in the morning. "Scoot over." Hyunjin sighed, slipping off his jacket and throwing it somewhere in the room and waiting for Jisung to shuffle over so they had room to sleep comfortingly.

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