The Impossible Dream// Hyunsung

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The Impossible Dream

Hyunsung (Hyunjin x Jisung)

Genre: fluff

Status: strangers

Words: 22310 

Part 4 of 'fairytale' series *None of these are connected*

"What if it's not everything I dreamed it to be?"

"It will be,"

"And what if it is? What do I do then?"

"Well, that's the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream."


"Contrary to popular belief, the skill of painting was not something a person was born with. It was not a natural talent one could just... have. The arts were something you obtained through hard work, and sure, there were those who picked up on it quicker than others, but it was never something impossible someone couldn't obtain if they weren't born with it. Everyone starts from square one, everyone starts with just a simple not so straight line, but that doesn't mean it can't bloom into something completely and utterly beautiful with time."

The talent of the arts is a tree. You have to give it time to grow and prosper -"

"Fuck trees, I'm about to throw my painting out the fucking window in a second," A gruff voice broke through the soft voice of Han Jisung's professor from his first year of university, shutting off the recording before he broke his phone in pure frustration. Normally, the silky tones his professor used soothed him greatly, as her voice was soft like the fuzzy petals of a flower, but today he was more than irritated and was quite frankly, ready to throw this painting out the window and let it fall into the pool. It wouldn't be the first time within the last few months, but he knew his maid would have his head if he were to dirty the pool again.

So, Jisung shoved himself away from the room as a whole, stuffing the wooden end of the paintbrush into the medium bun on the back of his head that kept it in place relatively well, and finding refuge in the kitchen to pour himself some tea to energize himself a bit, "Yeah, sure, whatever. Maybe I just need some energy," Jisung muttered to himself, yelping a bit when he heard something crash upstairs. Jisung's eyes widened in alarm but then squinted in suspicion before sliding the brush out of his hair and holding it as if it were a knife as he slipped up the stairs. Any other human being wouldn't be as worried as Jisung when someone breaks into their home. Jisung had his reasons for being more alarmed than an average person when something suspicious had practically fallen into his lap.

Or this case, into his painting room.

Granted, this wasn't one of Hyunjin's greatest ideas in the world, but he had to admit that even this was incredibly sloppy of him. Sure, he was clumsy at times, but it hadn't ever been this bad where he literally fell through a window, rolled to the floor, and knocked over a large easel standing towards the wall which ultimately knocked over a rack of paint bottles that all went toppling to the ground, some even busting from the impact. As if his luck couldn't get any worse, he was only allowed to get a singular curse word out before the door slammed open, "Fuck," Hyunjin cursed, eyes slowly drawing up the figure stood in the doorway.

At first, the thief is slightly caught off guard by the brown fuzzy socks with acorns all over them, but only became a little more gobsmacked and out of breath when his eyes tracked up the skinny legs covered in black sweatpants, a petite torso with a brown sweater draped across tan, thin shoulders, and his face - oh lord his face - was pulled into one of pure aggression. His wide, doe eyes were squinted, and his chubby cheeks were puffed out with a crimson tint over them, and - oh fuck was that a bun? "Fuck is right, you dumb idiot head. You just had to show up today, didn't you? As if today wasn't already bad enough!" Jisung hisses, but never approaches the thief on the ground. Jisung merely stands in the doorway with a trembling body filled to the brim with anger. "And you spilled my paint too!" A screech rang out when Jisung's eyes flickered down to the paint covered floor.

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