Citrus Friend// Jeongsung

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Citrus Friend

Jeongsung (Jeongin x Jisung)

Genre: Angst

Status: strangers

Words: 36,065

Lemon Boy

There once was a bittersweet man and they called him, "Lemon Boy"

It really wasn't supposed to end up this way.

None of this was supposed to end with Jeongin questioning everything he had been taught his entire life.

Sure, Jeongin was known as 'Kirby' around his friends due to his tendencies to latch onto other people's habits or personalities, and realistically he should have taken that into account when he agreed to tutor one of the upperclassmen that were struggling in one of his classes knowing fully that the boy was nothing but trouble, but yet here he was. Jeongin rocked on the balls of his feet anxiously as he waited for the other to finally enter the library so they could get started and Jeongin could get home at a decent time to play video games with Seungmin, but after an hour of waiting and passing time with homework, the other finally came in. Jeongin let out a sigh of relief.

"You must be Jisung! I'm your tutor." Jeongin greeted him with a bright smile, faltering a bit when the boy brushed past him and Jeongin was hit with the scent of cigarettes mixed with lemon. Jeongin gaped like a fish, staring the poor elder boy down as he dropped his backpack loudly on the table Jeongin had been working off of and dumping out all of his crumbled, half-ass notes and torn worksheets. Jeongin practically winced at the sight. "Oh no," Jeongin muttered under his breath in horror, picking up one of the tore worksheets covered in something Jeongin wasn't sure he wanted to know. Jisung stared Jeongin down as if he were challenging him to say anything about his choice of note-taking. "We have a lot of work to do."

For the first half-hour, they redid all of Jisung's notes, the boy never uttering a word as Jeongin babbled on about the proper ways to take notes and how colors would be his best friend considering he didn't focus all that well. So, with Jeongin's pristine and neat notes laid flat out on the table serving as an example, Jisung rewrote all of his notes with his headphones blaring music in his ears and Jeongin sorted all of the elder's notebooks. The second half of the first hour was practically a lecture from jeongin about how Jisung should actually treat his items and not tear up his work or let his binders fall apart but the more Jeongin spoke, the more irritated the other seemed to grow.

"I came here for tutoring. Can we do that now instead of you babbling on about something pointless?" Jisung snapped, and what a good first impression right? Jeongin felt his whole body go cold when Jisung leaned over the table to shove his face into jeongin's. "I don't have all day, kid." and Jeongin huffed. The younger pushed himself away from both the table and Jisung a bit to gather back some personal space. Jisung leaned back into his chair aggressively and let out an exasperated huff as Jeongin kept his mouth shut and pulled out his notes and laptop he used for physics alone. Once more, jeongin began to babble on about Velocity and this time, Jisung seemed to actually be paying attention.

"I like to remember it like PTV. Have you ever heard of that English punk band Pierce the Veil? That's one way you can remember it." Jeongin advised with a soft tone as he helped Jisung with one of the problems. The elder seemed to grow more and more frustrated, tongue poking out between his lips as he tried his best to figure out the problem. When he handed the worksheet back to jeongin for him to grade but it was handed back with only one of the five problems correct, Jisung let out a grunt and slammed his pencil on the table. "Hey, no need to get aggressive. It's okay to struggle but you getting mad isn't going to help anything -" Jeongin didn't even get to finish his sentence as Jisung got up and grabbed his bag without another word.

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