In Your Arms// Minbin

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In Your Arms

Minbin (Minho x Changbin)

Genre: Fluff

Status: I guess kind of pre-relationship?

words:  2147

I wrote this in like 2-3 hours pls. 

"You are under arrest for being too cute, put your hands where I can hold them!"

It came way too quickly for Minho's liking considering it was three in the morning and Minho was on his way back home from the pet store with a bag of cat food draped over his shoulder taking the sketchy way back to his apartment. Nonetheless, Minho relaxed greatly when he saw it was just Changbin coming out of a pastry shop behind him wearing his uniform and a beaming smile. "Take me on a date first, officer," Minho purred when Changbin got into hearing range.

Changbin scoffed, but his smile never dropped. "Please, Lee. I've taken you on two already and you promised me a third as well," Changbin corrected him, heart skipping a beat when Minho giggled cutely. "Mind if I walk you home? I just got off and even grabbed two cookies if you comply," Changbin bribed, dangling the brown paper bag in the air between his fingertips for Minho to see, and the elder just smiled. He picked on Changbin quite a bit considering they were close friends before feelings were caught, but he always enjoyed his presence.

"Not at all," Minho murmured softly and the two began walking side by side, knuckles grazing before they slowly and shyly interlocked their pinkies. Minho walked rather silently, but Changbin's shoes clicked against the ground filling the silence much to Minho's delight. He couldn't handle silence for long periods of time.

"You look really pretty today," The officer hummed quietly, but all Minho could do was snort because lord that just wasn't the truth. "Why are you laughing?" Changbin whined. Changbin... forever and always a baby.

"Bin, I'm wearing sweats with grease stains on them, I'm pretty sure there's cat throw up on this shirt, and my hair is an actual mess," Minho corrected softly, pointing up to the beanie on his head, "Hence the hat." However, Minho got a bit riled up and pointed furiously down at his shoes and groaning loudly. "Look at my shoes! I'm even wearing those dumb leopard print crocs Woojin got for me as a joke last year!" Minho cried out in dismay. Changbin just cooed because Minho pouting was always a sight worth seeing.

"First of all, I thought you threw those away. Second of all, you always look pretty, Minho. It genuinely pisses me off to a degree," Changbin paused, eyeing Minho wearily when he adjusted the bag of cat food on his shoulder with a wince. "Third of all, give me that bag of cat food," Changbin coaxed softly, grabbing the ends and slipping it off of Minho's shoulders. Minho probably would have argued if it weren't 3 in the morning and his shoulder didn't ache at every movement. They paused for a moment, letting Changbin swing the bag of food over his shoulder after he handed the cookies off to the elder and then they started walking again.

It didn't take too long for their pinkies to hook back together and for them to reach Minho's apartment. Changbin walked him all the way to the door, setting the bag of cat food down on the ground and standing there awkwardly for a moment as Minho unlocked his front door. "Thank you for walking me home, officer," Minho hummed, and Changbin laughed quietly.

"Minho, we've been friends for seven years, before I even became a police officer. You don't have to call me that." Minho's eyes said it all though, and Changbin knew Minho merely did it to push his buttons. However, much to his luck, when Changbin was about to tell Minho goodnight and leave, Minho peeled off his hat to fix his hair and Changbin caught sight of a bright pink fuzzy on the top of his head. "You got something in your hair, let me get it."

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