Coffee Grounds// Hyunsung

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Coffee Grounds

Hyunsung (Hyunjin x Jisung)

Genre: fluff

status: dating

words : 11321

Part 1/4 Of the 'Dark Beginnings With Bright Endings' Series

No matter what, Hyunjin was there, smelling like coffee grounds and holding him close until he was okay. They would be okay. They were going to be okay.


They didn't have much, it was true. They were two young men, fresh out of university with student loans on their sore backs and heads high in the clouds. Hwang Hyunjin and Han Jisung were lovers, once life long partners in crime who fell hard and fast during their beginning years of uni, and live in a two bedroom apartment that's about the same size as two university dorms and they slept on a thin mattress a few inches off of the ground. But they were happy, even if they didn't get to eat some days. "Poppet? I'm home." Hyunjin called out quietly into the cluttered, small apartment and shut the door behind him.

Jisung stumbled out from the study, looking exhausted and rather dazed. "Hey." He offered the elder a sleepy smile, eyes red from no doubt looking at a screen for so long. Hyunjin chuckled breathlessly and set his camera bag down on the wobbly, scratched up table by the door and approached his lover. "How was your day, my love?" Jisung murmured, draping his arms around Hyunjin's neck and letting the elder hoist him up so his legs were around his waist as well. Hyunjin carried them towards the kitchen which was only a few steps away and set him down on top of one of the counters.

"Very long, Poppet." Hyunjin sounded absolutely exhausted when he spoke, but still kept a dopey smile on his face for the younger. "Did you drink water today? Got up and paced?" Hyunjin stroked back the stray ginger pieces of Jisungs hair back, straightening it and patting it down. The younger smiled sheepishly, flickering his eyes away, "poppet... we talked about this." Hyunjin sighed but never parted himself from the younger. Jisung had an awful habit of not taking care of himself when he was too entranced in his music. And while he did indeed make music, and Hyunjin wanted nothing more for him to live his dream, Jisung had to be alive to live it first.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, Hyung. I just got really invested and next thing I knew it was dark outside and you were home and -" Jisung rambled for a while, and Hyunjin could have swore his heart swelled to an unhealthy extent. "And you're not listening anymore are you?" Jisung realized and Hyunjin laughed, pressing a tender kiss to his lips. "Your kisses can't make up for your lack of attention, Hwang." Jisung scowled and pouted, letting Hyunjin attempt to kiss the pout away but it took at least six before Jisung giggled and submitted to the open mouthed kisses. "You're such a little shit, I swear." Hyunjin just smirked and moved away, glancing through the kitchen for some sort of food.

Unfortunately, there seemed to only be enough for one person and Hyunjin's face dropped. "There's not enough for both of us." He croaked suddenly, turning back to a scrawny Jisung who was sat on top of the counter, exposed legs crossed underneath him, Hyunjin's shirt hanging loosely over him, and his round, taped wire glasses resting on the tip of his nose. "You eat tonight, okay?" Hyunjin muttered, making the sandwich with the last slice of bread and some jam. However, when Hyunjin handed it to the younger and Jisung rejected it, a sigh was heard, "Jisung. Take it." Hyunjin tried to coax but Jisung stared at it with a gulp.

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