90 Miles Per Hour// Jeongho

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90 Miles Per Hour

Jeongho (Jeongin x Minho)

Genre: angsty fluff

status: slowest of burns

words: 17, 404

Minho loved the road more than anything in the world. There was just something about going over 90 miles per hour on the highway with his bike that was entirely euphoric. The only thing a person could hear at those kinds of speeds was the hum of the engine and the thunder of the air. It was addicting to him, the only thing Minho could stay loyal to, all but his bike of course. Perhaps his love for the road and the thrill of it is what kept him from visiting home, visiting his family, and staying put in one place. Or maybe the effects had been the cause.

Minho hated his home town, hated everybody in it too.

But as much as Minho loved the road, it got lonely. He had to make do with a few flings from town to town to ease the loneliness in his heart, but it was always going to linger there. No matter what. Minho needed his person on the road, someone who would ride with him and share the same love he had for the thrill, but that seemed unbearably hard to find. Not just anyone could handle Lee Minho and his apathetic tendencies. It took a special kind of person to put up with him, and those special kinds of people were all the way in Seoul while Minho was coming up to a small town just outside of Busan.

He could feel their eyes on him, on the leather on his back. He knew they were sparing him nasty looks and avoiding him, like he was some sort of plague, and in a way, Minho was. He was toxic in the eyes of their society because he didn't settle, unafraid to speak his mind, and wore who he was proud. Minho was a force to be reckoned with, and everyone who came across him knew that. He was as dangerous as he was smart, and he made sure people knew that. Perhaps that's why he arrived in this small town right when people began to wake up and see him, to offer them a good morning present that was more of a curse than a blessing.

He pulled up to a motel on his bike, stopping in one of the spots by the office and pulling off his helmet. It was small and trashy, the rooms no doubt having been left uncleaned in a little over a month, and Minho was curious as to what he could possibly find inside. However, he sat on his bike for a moment, digging through his pockets and pulling out his lighter and cigarette box. He lit the stick in his mouth, cupping the lit flame so it stayed right where it needed to be, and then clasped the lighter closed before stuffing it in his pockets.

He took a few puffs, simply enjoying the breeze of the early morning and looking around. He could see multiple kids going to school and people beginning to show themselves to the world. But it was early enough for the sun to not yet be all the way up in the sky and the streets to still be considered quiet. Across the rather lonely street was a boy in a yellow high school uniform with his dark, raven hair hanging in his eyes. He was cute, Minho would admit, but he was no pedophile. The kid standing there, waiting for his bus to arrive, began to fidget as time passed and more and more kids began to arrive at the stop. Minho just watched him.

Minho wasn't even entirely sure if the kid was looking at him due to the long bangs that covered his eyes, but Minho thought he'd give it a shot and wink towards the boy. The younger's head flickered down and a bit more color came to his sickly pale cheeks. Minho left him alone after that, dropping his cigarette and squashing it before grabbing his bag off of the back of his bike and heading into the main office. "Room for one, please." Minho leaned across the counter, eyeing the middle-aged woman behind it with a bored look in his eyes.

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