This Was Home// Hyunho

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This Was Home

Hyunho (Hyunjin x Minho)

Genre: Fluff

Status: Pre Relationship

Words: 3299

It feels as though this should have happened a long time ago if not at all. In their minds and hearts, it felt as though the other was supposed to be simply down the street, not on the other side of the country where it took more than three hours on a bus to see the other. It was never supposed to be this way, but now that it was finally happening... they knew that once the other was there, there was absolutely no way they were letting the other leave. It was so close, yet so far.

Minho and Hyunjin met over YouTube ironically enough. Hyunjin had posted a video on YouTube of his dancing and Minho had come across it. Granted, Minho was very much arrogant and condescending at the time, but he had good intentions when he commented a slightly heavy critique of Hyunjin's dancing. Hyunjin hadn't handled it well at first but after sleeping on it for a few days and commented back. They commented back and forth for about a week before they exchanged twitter users and it just... went from there. One minute Hyunjin was struggling to wake up in the morning without crying and the next minute he found it a lot easier to roll over and reach for his phone with a soft smile to see a text from Minho about something he was watching as 2 in the morning. Minho might not have fixed everything, but he sure did help Hyunjin get back up and start putting the pieces of his life back together.

Hyunjin thought that Minho was this strong, older figure that was practically immortal but Hyunjin was met with the truth of it all after a year and a half of talking to each other and Minho called him at three in the morning balling his eyes out. Turns out Minho was even stronger than Hyunjin realized because the elder had been living on the street for the last three months and was afraid that soon he was going to have to stop talking to Hyunjin due to the fact that his phone was going to be shut off within the week. Hyunjin promised him that it would be okay and that he would wait for Minho until he could figure out something else... even if that meant Hyunjin got one of his friends to get a prepaid cell phone to him when she was traveling down to Gimpo for a weekend. Minho called him not even two seconds after Miya gave it to him. They talked for hours after that.

For years they had been wanting to meet up, Minho being more persistent as Hyunjin got older but as much as Hyunjin craved for Minho to be there when he was watching movies or walking around town, Hyunjin couldn't Do it. Hyunjin's family hated Minho, and it was purely because Hyunjin met him over the Internet. They saw Minho as this predator who would kidnap, rape, and kill their son but Hyunjin knew better than that. So, he just let his parents believe that he and Minho weren't talking anymore and that was the end of It. But now, Hyunjin has moved out and he had free rein of how he spent his life, no matter how much his mother threw a fit over anything he did without her permission.

Hyunjin's learned to just let her calls go to voicemail more often than not nowadays.

Now, another year had passed and Minho was finally traveling down to Seoul for college and Hyunjin was practically vibrating with excitement. He couldn't sit still, not even attempting to sit on the benches at the train station but instead standing right on the edge of the line that separated the safety of the waiting area and the danger of the railroad tracks. 3:45 was vastly approaching, and Hyunjin could practically feel Minho already. He imagined how soft Minho's hair must be, the way he felt wrapped up in Hyunjin's arms, and seeing his smile in real life instead of over a video camera at two in the morning when his parents were asleep. God, Hyunjin was a giddy, giggling mess.

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