I've Got You Under My Skin// Changho

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I've Got You Under My Skin

Changho (Changbin x Minho)

Genre: Fluff

Status: Strangers

Words: 10,043

Part 3 of the 'fairytales' series *None of these are linked*

"You love him very much, don't you? You belong to his world now."

"Yo! Hyung! Let's go!" A sudden voice called out from behind the raven-haired man, Hyunjin swiveling his neck around to face his group of friends with a dazed smirk. The man didn't hesitate and turned back to the cute bartender he had been flirting with and send him a wink before detaching himself completely. Hyunjin's hands slipped away from the slick, wooden bar, hung at his sides as he worked his way through the crowd and then let them slip back into the hair of his youngest best friend and tug harshly. "Ah! Hyung!" Jeongin cried out, fighting against the arm wrapped around his neck and the knuckles digging into the top of his head. "S-stop it!" Jeongin pleaded, the elder not stopping but letting his knuckles let up a bit.

However, Hyunjin dropped Jeongin when a hand landed on the back of his neck and began to play with the hairs there harshly, "Alright, Alright, Hyung. Leave the kid alone." Jisung ordered, lips right by his ear as he tugged the younger away. Hyunjin huffed But didn't fight it, letting Renjun twine his arms around Jeongin's waist and hold him protectively. The four friends made their way outside the bar and Renjun and Jeongin split ways not long after, leaving Jisung and Hyunjin by themselves. The younger of the two sighed, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Home or somewhere else?" Jisung muttered after taking a drag and letting the grey smoke jolt out with the movements of his tongue.

"Home. But you better put that out before you walk inside." Hyunjin scolded but Jisung only chuckled mischievously.

"Fair enough." Jisung shrugged and took another drag before walking alongside Hyunjin. The elder seemed to be far away in his own thoughts, troubled, and Jisung could tell this just from studying his mere facial expressions. "something On your mind? You seem uneasy." Jisung croaked our, puffing his cigarette and watching the paper at the end burn from the flame inside. Hyunjin clicked his tongue.

"Don't worry about it too much. Just the alcohol." Hyunjin shrugged the younger off but Jisung stepped in front of him, eyes cold and expression even colder. He didn't have to say it for Hyunjin to know that he wasn't going to get to walk away from this. Hyunjin forgot just how well Jisung could read him and how stubborn he was all the same. Jisung... Jisung was a man of many wonders and Hyunjin had fallen in madly in love like some sort of high school teenager.

Hyunjin hadn't realized it until it was too late. The process of it had been slow and steady, as they had started as enemies in middle school, became best friends in high school, and are now pining roommates in college. However, realizing it had been quick and harsh and Hyunjin hated that it sparked from his own jealousy.

Maybe it had been the alcohol that gave Hyunjin the courage, or maybe it was out of pure and utter frustration, but the next thing either one of them knew was that Jisung was suddenly tugged into the alleyway and shoved up against a wall by Hyunjin. "Jesus Hyung-" he didn't get to say anything else, cut off by a pair of lips lingering with the taste of rum and mingling with the nicotine on Jisung's own. Jisung has only been caught off guard for a few moments, obviously not expecting his best friend to shove him up against a wall and kiss him, but with a clouded head, Jisung kissed back with equally as much vigor.

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