Prescription of Sugar Pills// Minsung

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Prescription of Sugar Pills

Minsung (Minho x Jisung)

genre: sad

status: strangers to lovers

Words: 15,204

 When thinking of candy, it's thought out to be something sweet, exciting, and a treat. It's what people will risk a week of healthy eating and make children willing to steal. It can be chocolaty and smooth, chewy, and sour to make your lips purse, or chunky and flavorful. The world of candy was endless, and perhaps that's what made Han Jisung crave it for every moment he was in the bland, white hospital bed surrounded by even blander, whiter walls with nurses in simple, white uniforms walking around as if they weren't surrounded by life and death for every minute they were there. Most of them were kind and took care of Jisung well, but they treated him as if he were some sort of charity case, and that was the last thing Jisung wanted. If anything, he just wanted a pack of sour gummy worms and a friend. That's all he could ever ask for.

But he wasn't allowed to have candy and the other kids in his section were either too young or too mopey about their situation. And it wasn't as if Jisung didn't hate his situation either, but Jisung's mother always told him to make the most out of his situations and to smile even when you feel like you're on your deathbed. "Jisung? Time to take your medicine." A soft voice echoed in the room, a hand knocking at the open door. Jisung let his eyes slowly wander to the young woman standing there, holding a small tray of five different prescription bottles and a bottle of that godforsaken liquid. The nurse helped him sit up in his bed, and Jisung nearly fell out of it due to his weak muscles. The boy began to giggle at the wide, panicked eyes of Yuqi and leaned back against the multiple pillows, shifting a bit to get comfortable. "This is for the pain, your nutrition, your thyroid, your spasms, and resistance to the treatment."

Jisung took all the pills with ease, having to take at least two of those multiple times a day. "No," Jisung grunted out in a prolonged protest, wrinkling his nose up at the sight of the blue liquid poured into a cap. Yuqi sighed, rubbing her forehead in mild frustration. "Can't you just dump it out the window or some shit? Tell them I took it?" Jisung pleaded, much like he did every other morning and Yuqi gave him the same look she always did. 'No,' her eyes told him, and Jisung took the cap with a whine, downing it like some sort of shot. He gagged, sticking his tongue out and shaking it as his whole body practically curled up in on himself. Yuqi handed him a water bottle with a huff, opening it for him when Jisung couldn't seem to.

"See? Now you're done, you big baby."

"Shut up, noona," Jisung grumbled, Yuqi snickering and taking the water bottle back when Jisung handed it to her, only a third of it gone. She gave him a pointed look. "I'll finish it later, I don't think I can stomach anything else," Jisung murmured, waving her off and sinking into his bed. The girl eyed him for a moment, seemingly pondering something as he tried his best to gather some strength in his body. The doctors had decided to start a new treatment two weeks ago, and it made Jisung unbearably weak. It made him want to scream his lungs out until he blacked out...

Maybe even for good.

Yuqi hummed in amusement for a moment as Jisung turned his face towards her but kept his eyes shut. "So I'm assuming that means you don't want to go to the common room to speak with Felix and Jeongin?" Jisung peeped one eye open, eyeing her suspiciously. "I'm taking that as a no." Yuqi shrugged, getting up from her chair next to Jisung's bed and approaching the door, but Jisung called out, asking for her to wait and that he wanted to. "That's what I thought. Finish your water and then we can go." Jisung whined, but half an hour later, the bottle was empty and Jisung pressed the button by his bed. "Ready?" Yuqi murmured, taking the empty bottle and throwing it in the trash. Jisung nodded.

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