To My Little Dove// Seungchan

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Too My Little Dove

Seungchan (Seungmin x Chan)

Genre: Fluff (jesus christ it's kind of gross)

Status: Strangers

Words: 13,200

Part 1 of 3

Respectively speaking, universes can pile up and up and up never to reach any sort of limit. Even further, the people inside these universes can be in others, but with minor details changed or ultimate characteristic changes. At the end of the day, it wouldn't have mattered because a soul is a soul and a soul is not limited to just one place. That is why, soulmates, in the long run, do not care for barriers. They do not conform to the basic ideas that everything else does. The bond between soulmates jumps from universe to universe, life to life, and world to world.

So, to put it simply.

No matter what the barriers are at the time, they won't be there forever. Everything changes, everything moves forward. Towns will die, buildings will crumble, family lines will end, and species will go extinct. It is all rather unfortunate but at the end of the day, the bond between a soul and the strings of fate doesn't change much.

It is difficult to say if Kim Seungmin believes that or not. On one hand, he had grown up believing that he would make his own destiny because that is what his aunt had shoved into his small, child brain at the time, but now that he was older, 18 years of age to be more direct, and had the unfortunate burden of caring for all of his fellow brothers and sisters in the orphanage down by the river, he had a hard time believing he could make his own fate.

More times than not, Orphans never got very far in life. As soon as they were of age and thrown out onto the cold, stone streets of Sariyong, the cruelty of the king who ruled over them would ooze out in a thick, dark glob and the orphans would end up dead in a few short days. Seungmin, despite being able to take care of himself, didn't have much hope for his fate. The best that could happen to him is that the headmistress decides to keep him and have him keep caring for the others while she drinks away her sorrows and hooks up with every man in town. Though, that wouldn't be much different from what it is like now. "Seungmin!" Her smooth, but brutal voice chimed through the orphanage by the river, and Seungmin immediately put down small Zeyu who was far from happy about being lonely again.

"Yes, mistress?" Seungmin breathed out, bowing slightly when he entered her room at the far end where the windows were wide and the rugs were expensive. The money she made from the city was not given to the orphanage, but instead to her. That was very clear to any onlooker who might have had the unfortunate experience of actually looking at the building with a leaking roof and far too unstable walls. Seungmin just knew that when the next storm hit them that this place would come tumbling down and they would all be left to the streets where diseases were abundant and very sick men and women would latch their claws into them and rip them apart little by little. Seungmin had already been preparing for that.

"I need you to go into town and fetch my dress from Mr. Choi. Take the little gremlins with you, will you? I need some quiet," The middle-aged woman tossed a pouch of coins in Seungmin's direction, falling to the ground with a jingle, and Seungmin was quick to bend down and pick them up. "And don't spend the money on anything else!" The woman shrieked suddenly, startling Seungmin and prompting him to jolt a bit.

"Of course, Mistress," Seungmin bowed, waiting for her to dismiss him.

"You may go. And wash up before you go. You'll only embarrass me," Ms. Jung snapped, and Seungmin gulped, consciously wiping at his dirtied cheek that did nothing but make it worse considering his hands were covered in dirt and grease as well. He had cleaned the roof that morning and hadn't had a chance to clean up due to caring for the others. Seungmin turned and left after the woman snorted at his failed attempt to clean up, and tried his best to keep his presence strong as he went from room to room, gathering the other boys and girls he had to take with him. There were eleven of them in total at the orphanage.

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