My Kind Of Town// Minchan

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My Kind Of Town
Minchan (Minho x Chan)
Genre: Angst
Status: Strangers to lovers
words: 4684
Part 2 of the Fairytale series *none of these are linked*

Time is dangerous.

Time is dangerous because it is everything. It is how long it takes you to pour milk into your cereal. The days it takes for your test results to come back from an examination. The hours of a school day, the minutes it takes water to boil, and the seconds coming down to a deadline. Time is everything and more, and someone who could manipulate it is far more dangerous than the element itself. Perhaps that is why the stars only chose people who wouldn't use it against the world when blessing certain people with these abilities. But the stars were never supposed to bless someone with time. But yet, here was Bang Chan, in the middle of a school hallway with papers levitating around him and a fist inches away from a blow to his face. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Everything had stopped. One minute Chan was getting thrown against the locker with kicks and punches flying his way, and then there was nothing. At the time, Chan could have sworn he heard the shattering of glass when the fist never came, but he wouldn't ever actually admit it to anyone out loud until later. He was scared because it wasn't as if he were in some sort of odd universe with a hazy blue color and white wisps flying everywhere. Instead, it was entirely clear. Chan could see every single pore, every single hair follicle, every single little freckle across the whole of Yugyeom's body, but he just wasn't.... moving. Was it just some sort of sick joke they were playing on him? Did they just stop to see what he would do? To prove that he was actually insane like they insisted him to be? It was a possibility.

But even when Chan went to go grab the papers and try to let it fall to the ground, nothing worked and they just hovered in mid-air. On any other anger ridden day, Chan would have beat all of them into a pulp for as long as this little episode lasted and then bolted all the way home, but he didn't. It felt like his mind had cleared of all anger and was replaced by complete and utter fear. Nothing called out to him, but Chan's head snapped up for some reason and was quick enough to catch the edges of bleach-white hair rounding the corner before it was gone. Chan scrambled up in alarm, legs kicking against the ground but nearly falling to the ground in the process. "Hey! Wait!" Chan called out desperately, bursting through the school doors to see a boy, about the same height as Chan, rush down the steps and disappear into thin air the moment his foot hit the grass.

Chan stopped, gaping at the place the boy used to be and letting his fingers fly up to his hair and tug at it harshly. Was he going insane? Was he actually going insane? Tears tracked down his cheeks, but they were swept away by a soft thumb, and reassuring whispers breathed against his ears. He didn't know who it was or what they were saying because when he looked up, he was still alone at the bottom of the steps, but breathing a little less heavily. "What the fuck is happening?" Chan whispered when he heard what sounded like glass shattering in reverse in the back of his head and everything moved around him. The wind picked up, the trees swayed, and the squirrels scouring the fields in front of him moved in a frenzy before the bell to the school rung and the birds squawked in discomfort at the shrill sound.

Chan picked himself back up at that, scrambling to rush down the street and get away from that hell hole before Yugyeom or the others figured out where he was and kill him. But it wasn't as if he could go home either. His parents would murder him if they knew he skipped school. "Not like I have much of a choice," Chan muttered to himself, swiping a hand through his hair. He didn't go home. Something within him was dragging him far, far away from his home and taking him somewhere new, somewhere far more comfortable. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that same blonde hair from before, his nerves taking back over and whirling around to face it. It was the same figure as before. He seemed more frantic this time, staring down at his watch every two seconds before Chan lost sight of him in the crowd.

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