If Paradise Was A Person// 2Min

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If Paradise Was A Person

2Min (Seungmin x Minho)

Genre: Fluff

Status: Pre relationship

words: 2313

 Paradise for anyone was a place, and if not a place, it was a feeling or an aesthetic. At the very least though, there is bound to be at least one odd choice amongst the others and for Kim Seungmin, his paradise was in the form of another person. Did Seungmin like that his dream world was inside the heart of his longtime best friend, Lee Minho? No. Not really. Because it wasn't supposed to be this way and Seungmin relied so heavily on the elder it was beyond concerning.

Lee Minho, by a long shot, was one of the weirdest people Seungmin had ever met in his entire life. The man was incredibly 4d and unpredictable on every single level. For anyone and everyone else, that is beyond irritating but for Seungmin, it was heaven. Everything in his life was too controlled, too expected, but when Minho gets added into the mix, the cuffs from Seungmin's wrists are cut loose and the brunette feels like he can breathe again.

Lee Minho was the feeling of running through the flower field or standing up on top of a mountain and overlooking the entire mountain range ahead of you. Minho was the smell of fresh roses mixed with vanilla. Lee Minho was hot coffee with three shots of espresso to jolt you awake in the morning on a school day in the fall. Lee Minho was as refreshing as a peppermint when it's winter and Lee Minho was warm, thick blankets on the couch watching Christmas movies while it's snowing outside. Lee Minho was everything Kim Seungmin wanted and more.

But it would never happen. Minho didn't feel that way about him.

Flowers In Your Hair

"Tell me why we're doing this again?" Seungmin requested with a sniffle, sneezing loudly before the elder in front of him carrying a large multi-colored blanket through a field of freshly grown flowers. Minho giggled at the younger's reactions to the outside world he refused to leave more times than not. "Hey! Don't laugh at my pain!" Seungmin whined suddenly, flinching a bit when Minho turned around suddenly to face him, the younger nearly knocking him to the ground by accident.

"Yah! Watch yourself, Kim Seungmin! One, we're out here because I want to be out here, and two, I'll laugh at your pain all I want." Minho sassed, stepping forward so there was little to no space between them and Seungmin felt his breath hitch in his throat and eye twitch. Minho watched his subtle reactions of panic with a smirk, somehow becoming more daring and running his fingers where Seungmin's Adam's apple bobbed. However, the elder seemingly forgot that Seungmin was unbearably ticklish where his neck is and Seungmi yelped loudly at the touch.

"You have two seconds, hyung," Seungmin growled out when he calmed down and Minho tore his fingers away from his neck. Minho made a noise of his own panic and began to trot through the field to the best of his ability. Seungmin counted to two before he took off himself, ignoring the slush of the sodas in the basket he was carrying and the consequences that would come with it later. "Get back here!" Seungmin screeched out, not liking that Minho was getting faster and faster in speed and farther and farther away from the younger. All Minho could do was spare his friend a laugh.

Though luck seemed to be on Seungmin's side as when Minho turned back to look at him, Minho ended up tripping and falling. "Oh shit!" Seungmin yelped, dropping the basket and darting towards Minho in a panic. "Are you okay?" the yell came out before Seungmin could even get a proper look at Minho's situation but he felt the worry wash away when he was hit with nothing but Minho's undying, melodic giggles. Minho was lying in the middle of a ruined patch of flowers, but the purple, pink, yellow, and blue flowers had planted themselves in his messy brown hair along with a few leaves, and Seungmin had to bite his fist to keep himself from cooing.

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