Jealousy Bites// Hyunin

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Jealousy Bites

Hyunin (Hyunjin x Jeongin)

Genre: Fluff

Status: Pre-relationship

words: 3316

 It was rather hard to decipher if what Jeongin had been feeling was envy or anger as he stared at the sight before him, but it was a pretty safe bet that it had been an even mix of both. He couldn't show that though; the group was at Kcon, on a live stage, and expected to wear smiles and be happy the whole time. But if Jeongin were perfectly honest, he was becoming unbearably tired of watching everyone compliment Hyunjin's pretty lips when he couldn't do the same without potentially spilling everything he had tried so hard to contain over the last two years and get kicked out of the group.

Now, Jeongin wasn't really a jealous person. He was someone who rationalized situations, didn't let his emotions get the best of him, and was respectful of pretty much everyone. However, when it came down to Hyunjin, the boy who had successfully softened Jeongin up considerably, Jeongin didn't really hold those aspects as tightly anymore. It wasn't as if he wanted to let his emotions navigate his actions, especially the more negative side to it all, but Jeongin just couldn't help it when it was Hyunjin. Not when everyone insisted on coming into their shared room and touching him as if he were some sort of teddy bear.

Perhaps, Jeongin wouldn't have cared so much if his pride wasn't too big for his own good and couldn't bring himself to ask for that treatment. If Jeongin would just ask for a hug, or a kiss on the forehead every now and then, he would probably be okay, but Jeongin didn't, leaving him deprived and at fault. "Innie? You still with us?" They were backstage now, preparing for the next show, and Felix's face was hovering in front of his. Jeongin snapped out of it, eyes flickering up harshly towards the Australian's and trying his best to offer him a wide, believable smile.

"Sorry, hyungs, this is all just so surreal." Jeongin lied, dodging the odd looks Chan and Minho had been giving him. Jeongin felt a hand in his hair and based on the size, he knew it had been Minho, and while it did in fact feel nice, Jeongin's pride was too large. Jeongin shrugged him off with a grumble, causing the elder to giggle and fade back into Chan's presence for the time being. In the back of his head, Jeongin could feel Hyunjin's stare on him as he fixed his clothes, but Jeongin chose to ignore it, much less believe the worried look in Hyunjin's eyes that the elder never really spared anyone else. "When's our next show?" Jeongin broke the silence, leaning over towards Changbin to look down at his phone.

"Yah! Brat! Hasn't anyone ever told you to mind your own business?" Changbin grunted, shifting away from the younger and shoving him away lightly by the face. Jeongin felt his muscles tense when he heard a familiar snort and laugh from behind him and suddenly, Hyunjin was towering over them both. The elder didn't speak until he was sat right beside Jeongin, thighs touching and an arm slung over the younger's shoulder.

"Come on, hyung, it's not exactly a secret that you're texting Seungminnie despite you two being in the same room." Hyunjin feigned innocence, snickering when both Seungmin and Changbin made noises of denial with crimson cheeks and shy looks.

"Disrespectful," Changbin grumbled under his breath, sinking down in his seat for only a few moments before getting up and joining Seungmin on the other side of the room with a shy smile tugging at his lips. Hyunjin snuggled up to Jeongin after that, much to the younger's mixed displeasure, and hovered over his shoulder as Jeongin played a game on his phone. Jeongin's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest at that current time, and Jeongin hoped and prayed that Hyunjin couldn't feel it with their position. Jeongin thought that the elder must have and decided to use it to his advantage as he practically pulled Jeongin into his lap, and that had been when Jeongin said enough was enough.

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