You Make Me Feel So Young// Jeongsung

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You Make Me Feel So Young
Jeongsung (Jeongin x Jisung)
Genre: Sad
Status: strangers
Words: 3089
Part 1 of the Fairytale series *none of these are linked*

The smell of alcohol and weed was rather aggravating to the black haired, fox-eyed boy in the back corner.  He wanted to scream out in pure frustration, tired of people dragging him into the neon lighting to dance or forcing drinks and joints into his hands. He already felt like his head was spinning from being in the brightly colored but suffocatingly small house, and he really didn't need anything else that could worsen that nausea. However, as people walked past him, small bags in their hands filled with white powder and makeup melting off of their faces, Yang Jeongin wondered if he could defile himself just a little bit and forget about the last few days with one line of the precious white powder he had been trying to avoid.

    "Jeongin!" Suddenly, a head of blond, messy hair was in his line of vision, and Jeongin's back was pressed against the wall with a constellation of brown stars in front of him. "'I've been looking for you all night," Felix husked, palms resting on Jeongin's hips as he nuzzled his nose into his cheek, filling Jeongin's nostrils with the bitter stench of alcohol. Jeongin squirmed under Felix's touch but melted all the same. It was familiar, but uncomfortably so with the alcohol added into the mix. "Come dance with me, Innie. Let's have fun," Felix slurred, tugging Jeongin closer into his body before guiding them out into the middle of the dance floor. Jeongin felt like he was going to throw up when people forced drinks down his throat left and right while urging him to take a line from the mirror they were passing around.

    It was all extremely overwhelming, and Jeongin could feel the tears coming to his eyes while his blood pumped erratically and Felix was pressed kisses anywhere he could reach. Jeongin wanted to forget; he thought that the alcohol and drugs would help him forget everything that had happened over the last few months. But nothing could take away the lingering feeling of harsh hands on his hips, the quietness of the night being interrupted by his own screams and cries, and the pain he felt the morning after. The alcohol only seemed to heighten the memories, almost making him remember things he hadn't before. And in the midst of his intoxication and the colors all around him, Jeongin thought he remembered a face.

    But as quickly as he remembered it, he forgot; the only thing that could stand out in his head was the image of unforgiving, animalistic eyes. A sob racked his body, his limbs acting out before he could even think and shoving everyone away as he darted to the nearest bathroom. Jeongin didn't realize it at the time, but there was already someone in there, puking their guts out into the toilet, but Jeongin couldn't hear anything over the ringing in his ears. All except a soft voice telling him to stop when he began to beat furiously against the sink. "Hey... Calm down!"

    Jeongin couldn't think. He felt like he was losing the feeling in his body as his mind slowly faded away into nothing and his blood turned to a thick mush. Why did it have to be him? Why did he have to be weird one in the family? Did he really deserve to be treated like a ragdoll that night? Maybe. Maybe this was karma for being so fucked in the head and giving his parents such a hard time. Jeongin was useless. Why was he even still here? Jeongin gripped the sink tightly, letting the tears cascade down his cheeks and land in the blood stained porcelain below. He flinched when a hand landed on his shoulder and swiveled him around, coming face to face with someone too beautiful to be real.

    It was a boy, to no surprise, and he was gorgeous with his gentle, pink smile, plump cheeks, pinkish ginger hair that fell in his eyes and sweet, almond eyes. He reminded Jeongin of a squirrel to a certain extent, and Jeongin probably would have cooed if he weren't in the state he was in. "Breathe. Calm down. Do you want some fresh air?" Jeongin didn't know who this boy was, but he seemed familiar to him, so he followed him anyway. That was his first mistake. "Alright okay, we'll go find you some fresh air," the stranger sighed before grabbing Jeongin by the bicep and guiding him out through the backway of the house. Jeongin knew he should have said something when he was dragged closer to the forest just outside, but he couldn't. He wasn't thinking straight.

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