To My Little Dove// Seungchan

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To My Little Dove

Seungchan (Seungmin x Chan)

Genre: fluff

Status: ????

Words: 28, 811

Part 2 of 3

The castle loomed over them with an intimidating but hopeful gleam. The size of it amazed Seungmin as he had only seen it from the city and even then it looked massive. So, seeing it up close was an entirely new experience. Chan got out of the carriage first, standing at the entrance and offering Seungmin a hand as he climbed out before both Chan and Minho began to help the other orphans out of the carriages, Wonyoung running up to Seungmin with a screech. "Oppa! It's so beautiful!" She cried out, attaching to his legs and peering up at the large castle with absolute wonder and amazement. Seungmin chuckled lowly, patting her head.

"It is, isn't it?"

"I can't wait to explore," Seungmin frowned at that, peering down at her so she knew he was being serious.

"Let's ask him if that's okay before we do anything, okay?"

"Who and what are we asking?" Seungmin nearly jumped out of his own skin when a voice chimed from behind him, whirling around to shoot daggers at the amused king behind him. "Apologies. Didn't mean to scare you," Chan bowed his head a bit and Seungmin gulped, unable to open his mouth before Wonyoung approached the king on little frail legs but determination clear in her features.

"Your Highness?"

"What can I do for you, love?" Chan kneeled down to her height, eyes glimmering and lips pulled into a fond smile. The little girl was cute, especially with the wide goggles she wore.

"Would it be alright if we were allowed to explore the castle?" Chan cocked his head to the side, peering up at Seungmin for a moment but the orphan's gaze was deliberately on Wonyoung and Chan laughed internally at the boy's shyness.

"Of course. How about we get the lot of you cleaned up first. I'm sure it would be nice to not feel dirty," Chan suggested, taking her small hand into his own and patting the top of it with his other one. The little girl nodded vigorously, thanking the king with every fiber of her being while holding back the need to hug him. Perhaps she would hug him one day but not when she was covered in dirt. "Now That Everyone is settled, let me show you to your rooms so you can all get cleaned up," Chan called out, gathering the orphan's attention before walking off with Seungmin trailing behind him.

The orphans followed Seungmin like a trail of ducklings following their mother, gaping in awe at the castle corridors as Chan led them upstairs and down halls. The walls were lined with a beautiful creme base layered with intricate royal purple designs and the floors were made of the finest mahogany wood found but long rugs going down the middle of the halls were made of the same purple the wallpaper had been. The group passed multiple tables along the way adorned with expensive sculptures and gems that some of the boys had to fight the urge to swipe and stuff in their pockets.

"Bedrooms are all along this corridor," Chan started, unclasping one of his hands from their place behind his back and point along the walls with double creme doors, "Boys on the left and girls on the right. When you find yourself ready to eat, the dining hall is down there," Chan pointed forward and then to the right, "And go down the stairs on the right. If you get lost, find a servant and they will show you the way," Chan grinned, stopping at the end of the corridor, "disperse," and then the children separated, calling out which rooms they wanted and Seungmin was far from surprised when he saw all four girls rush into a singular room with giggles bouncing off the walls.

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