Polaroids// 2chan?Bangbin?

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2Chan (Changbin x Chan) (But still multi ship... you'll see)

Genre: angst

Status: Strangers

words: 40,135

 The first time Changbin fell in love, it was fast and unexpected. He was fresh out of a life changing summer, just before his junior year of high school, and completely unprepared for what the year had in store for him. Changbin had been practically invisible during the first ten years of school, and in a way, he enjoyed that. However, after sophomore year, he decided he wanted to get his shit together for him: not for his mom, not for his love life, not for his image, just for him. He began to work out, the gym becoming his second home, and worked on music endlessly while learning English at the same time. He had a schedule that ran smoothly, a new exterior that had gathered a lot of attention from his peers. Especially the school's golden boy, Hwang Hyunjin.

Loud chatter and slams of lockers echoed off of the walls, Changbin smirking to himself when he locked eyes with the girls he used to admire and his old friends who dropped him for their own personal status'. It was entirely satisfying to see how gobsmacked and borderline guilty they were after seeing him nearly at his best. And as cruel as it was, Changbin thrived off of it. How could he not? He had been ignored for most of his life, and now that he was getting nothing but stares and whispers, and the good kind as well. He couldn't help but bask in it.

Somewhere along the wall of lockers and students, Changbin locked eyes with a pair of playful dark ones, a mole resting underneath the left. A perfect smile that Changbin had witnessed one too many times in the past grew over the person's plump pink lips, and Changbin could have swore when they twitched up, his heart twitched up and out of his throat as well. It was always rather intriguing to see what kind of affect Hwang Hyunjin had on people, but Changbin liked to watch from the sidelines, not actually be the one playing.

"Hyung!" Changbin's eyes snapped away from the younger's, catching sight of a boy with messy hair an inch taller than him barreling towards Changbin full speed. He didn't even have time to squeak out a "Jisung!" before he stumbled backwards with a shriek, Jisung wrapped around him like he was some sort of monkey. "I missed you," the younger singsonged, nuzzling his face into Changbin's cheek mockingly. Changbin grunted and patted Jisung's back before shoving him off. "Alright, Mr. Muscle Man, don't fucking kill me please –"

A sudden screech of a teacher telling Jisung to watch his language from behind him startled both high schoolers, smiling to each other sheepishly as Jisung apologized and watched the teacher storm off. When the teacher seemed to be nowhere in sight, Changbin snickered and clapped his hands lightly before shoving Jisung into a nearby locker. "I'm not Mr. Muscle man, disrespectful punk." A mischievous smile grew on the younger's lips after the use of 'punk', raising his hand to pinch lightly at the industrial bar in Changbin's ear and tug at the freshly dyed black hair.

"Punk? Do you really have any room to call me such a thing when you look like you just walked out of the teen section of Hot Topic?" Changbin held up his left hand, glancing towards Jisung as he counted down in his head, each finger going down with every second. It took two seconds for Jisung to realize what was happening and three seconds for his body to be half way down the hall before Changbin was chasing after him, the two completely ignoring the calls of teachers scolding them for running, the image of Hwang Hyunjin long forgotten.

It didn't take long for Changbin to catch up with the younger, tackling him to the ground and pinning him on the floor with his knee pressed against Jisung's stomach. "Too slow, punk," Changbin snickered before getting off of his childhood best friend and offering him a hand to lift him up. Jisung took it without question. "So, what's the verdict this year, squirrel? Who's going to date and who's going to die this year?" Jisung's already wide eyes somehow widened more at the question, a devilish smile appearing on his lips.

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