Got Any Dreams Today?// Seungin

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Got Any Dreams Today?

Seungin (Seungmin x Jeongin)

Genre: Fluff

Status: Strangers

words: 13,396

Thank you for 101k reads <33 :)

If Seungmin were honest, most of his personality fell from the dreams he's had since he was six years old.

They were never inherently good dreams, but they weren't bad either. The same went for Seungmin himself. He wasn't boring, but he wasn't fun either. In fact, most people really only talked to him in middle school because they wanted to hear about his dreams. Seungmin was quite the phenomenon back then, but it only went downhill once they got to high school and everyone forgot about him.

Seungmin really only had two friends: Chan and Jisung. Chan was his senior at his school, having grown attached after showing Seungmin around his first year, but now Chan was in college studying music and very rarely had time for Seungmin anymore. Jisung was Seungmin's online friend from Malaysia he met over League of Legends his sophomore year and Seungmin could call him his best friend despite them only knowing each other for a year.

Jisung was loud and kind of a mess, but he always listened to Seungmin's fucked up dreams and Seungmin was thankful for that. In fact, Jisung always has the best reactions to Seungmin's dreams, and Seungmin can vividly remember the boy gaping over a skype call when Seungmin described to him his 'babies chopping carrots over water boiling in a pot made of dragon eyes' filled dream before screaming his absolute head off.

Seungmin loved Jisung, but he'd never admit that out loud.

Today: 03:12

TiddieMaster00: Good morning~

TiddieMaster00: Don't forget to talk to ur counselor this morning bc I will kill u if I have to hear u complain about chem again.

Today: 06:23

KSM.0.0: I won't.

KSM.0.0: and please for the love of god get RID of that name

Seungmin sighed deeply, rolling over to tug on the string of his lamp and allowing a warm glow to span across the room so Seungmin could see what he was looking at. With shaky hands and a dry tongue across his chapped lips, Seungmin found his glasses and the bottle of water he kept on his bedside table, and practically chugged that shit down in one go.

Chan and his dumb fitness bullshit-

A loud squeak bounced off the walls when Seungmin's alarm sounded to life, Seungmin slapping down on the off button to the clock and sighing when he was met with silence again. Seungmin hated waking up so early, he could sleep for another hour if he wanted to, but if Seungmin didn't get up sometime between 6 - 6:30, he found it incredibly difficult to function throughout the school day.

Seungmin's entire posture relaxed when his feet met the heated flooring beneath him and sighed in relief. He was glad his mother finally paid the heating bill, especially with it growing colder and colder as winter crept upon them. Seungmin should probably get a job if he were honest.

He couldn't think about this right now, Seungmin needed to shower and get dressed for school quickly. He found some money wadded up in a pair of old jeans, just enough to get a coffee from that really sketchy place near the school everyone claims to have the best coffee and Seungmin couldn't not go.

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