A Flower Frozen In Time// Minchan

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A Flower Frozen In Time

Minchan (Lee Minho x Bang Chan)

Genre: Angst?? I guess??

Status: Established (Kinda) 

Words: 10,072

Part 1 Of 3

It... It was never supposed to be like this.

His life was never supposed to be like this.

Chan was never supposed to have to endure losing a loved one and searching the very ends of the Earth to find them.

Lee Minho was never supposed to disappear from his life with nothing but letters left behind within one evening and Chan was never supposed to lose his mind trying to follow Minho and bring him back home.


March 29, 2016

"You can't be serious!" Chan gasped out in disbelieving laughter, staring at his long-term best friend over the table of the diner they visited so frequently that the employees working there knew them personally. "Minho, Seoul National University, the best University in Korea offered you a full ride, and you turned it down? What the fuck is wrong with you?" Chan loved his best friend, he really did, but the idea of Minho actually turning down such an offer, despite doing such a thing is so like him in the first place, irritated Chan to no end. The elder struggled to get into a community college that barely offered him a single scholarship, and Minho was turning down a full ride to a top-notch university?

"I'm going to have to agree with Chan on this one, Min. Why the fuck would you do that?" Younghyun piped up from beside the second eldest, arm draped over the back of the booth they were sitting at with Minho unknowingly glaring into it. "That could set you for life! You'd no doubt be at the top of your class!" Younghyun moved to place both his hands on the table, gently but a bit aggressively slamming them into the wood. Minho cocked his head to the side, eyes glimmering with unpredictable mischief and if Chan hadn't been so used to that look, he probably would have been scared... Though that was probably an even better reason to let the terror sink in.

"It's not what I want," Minho murmured simply, leaning back into the booth seat and practically melting into the red leather. Younghyun and Chan gaped at him for a moment, and then at each other, Chan faltering slightly when he heard Minho make a displeased noise from across them. The eldest's head whirled around first, an even deeper confusion setting in but Chan refused to look Minho in the eye once he realized, "Don't think too hard hyung, that vein on your forehead might bust," Minho tapped his finger against his own forehead with a smirk and Younghyun snorted out some laughter, oblivious to the bitter tone Minho held while saying it.

"What do you mean that's not what you want?" Chan broke off the tension from before and created a new line of it, eyes serious and tone low. They were only looking at each other now, eyes locked and unmoving, and yeah, Chan's heart faltered for a moment but that wasn't exactly a new feeling to him anymore.

"It's a competitive university," Minho shrugged casually but leaned forward the slightest bit to strengthen the intensity of his gaze, "And you know I'm not one to compete," Chan gulped, eyes flickering away shyly as his fingers traced small shapes into the sleek wood underneath them to avoid eye contact.

"You won't have to," Chan hushed, eyes flickering up in slight determination, "You know you're enough. You could have anything you ever wanted, Min," Chan rubbed his hands up and down his face to snap himself out of the daze he gets stuck in every time Minho so much as speaks.

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