Awkward Dinner

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This started off as an Imagine. Now it's a book!!

Summary: You've liked Finn ever since kindergarten and finally after a long wait he asked you out and now you're dating. But then something weird happens.


I was texting Finn while my mom was setting up the dinner table.

"Y/N, it would be awesome if you... or your older  sister could help me out. Tonight's dinner will be special." Mom said excitingly. I scoffed and forced my sister to help her.

My eyes examined my phone as I texted Finn.

From: Y/N

I'm glad you're back in Canada. School's been so lame without you visiting ❤️

Mom then snapped her fingers at me and I looked up at her. She gave me a get off your phone look, so I did. I placed my phone down and decided to help her take out the casserole.

"So, Y/S/N (yo sisters name)  how's college so far? Me and Y/N are happy to have you stay over the weekend." Mom spoke, my sister started explaining.

Secretly, my sister would tell me all about college parties and how free'ing it was... I can't wait to leave highschool.

"High-school annoys me." I spoke randomly, Y/S/N chuckled and faced me.

"High-school will be the best years of your life as well- Oh yeah, speaking of high-school. Y/N should I give you that "Talk" soon." Mom spoke interrupting my sister. I cringed at mom and nodded a no quickly.

"Oh that "Talk". That's a good one mom, I think you should explain it to Y/N... Cause I heard, she's dating." Y/S/N spoke as she ratted me out. My jaw dropped and I slowly dropped my face into my palms.

"Y/N Y/L/N, are you dating? I thought you would have told me. Ever since your father left I would think we would be closer? Now I certainly need to give you the safe sex talk." Mom mentioned, I placed my hands my mouth as I heard what mom said.

"You don't want to end up pregnant do you? Wait, don't answer that." Mom mumbled, I held a fake hand gun to my head and pretended to blow off my head. I looked down at the dinner table and realised that mom had set out more plates. Great we're having guest over... I hope it isn't family, they always tease me... Moms going to tell them all about her sex talk with me.

The door bell went off and I raced to open the door..
My eyes scanned the people in front of me.


Y/S/N walked over and so did mom.

"Girls, you know how I've been dating online thanks to you both helping me out. I have invited a man that I've been talking too for a while now, he also brought his two sons. We'll have a great dinner tonight. C'mon boys come in! Eric, meet my daughters! " Mom spoke, my eyes still wide and shocked.

Finn walked in and gave me the same look.

"Fuck" he mumbled.
I nodded my head in agreement and pulled him aside. We needed to talk.

-part 2?

Finn Wolfhard | Secret Tie Where stories live. Discover now