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Lela pulled me aside while the pizza's were cooling down.
The boys were placing the plates and setting up the table, preparing for dinner.

"Sick... Are you? you know?" Lela mentioned, I raised my brows and gave her a confused glare.

"What?" I snapped back. Lela pointed at my stomach.

"Are you pregnant? Have you and Finn had sex?" Lela asked me worriedly. I smacked my lips together,

"The last time we had sex, was was...-

I stopped talking and gulped nervously. The last time me and Finn has sex, was our quickie in the shower before his damn Calpurnia Concert. When I snuck into his shower time.

"So you've had sex? Y/N you need a test." Lela complained. I placed my hands into my pockets and just raised my brows,

"mom....she has pregnancy tests, well the extra ones she hasn't used." I mumbled, Lela then turned her head to face Nick and Finn.

"We have to tell them. We find out together." Lela whispered, I agreed.

Finn POV

I stared at Nick as we both leaned against the wall hall-way wall.

Lela and Y/N had explained about the possibility of Y/N being pregnant.

"If you're a dad, dude you are so screwed." Nick mumbled, I rolled my eyes and Lela poked her head through the door.

"We have to wait at least 3 minutes. And I agree with nick, you are screwed. Having a baby around the same time our parents are having a baby is pretty fucked up." Lela spoke,

I scoffed and decided to walk into the bathroom. My smile had showed as I saw my girl,

"Either you're pregnant or not, we'll be okay." I whispered as I kneeled down to her level. I felt as
Y/N wrapped her arms around me.

A small chuckled escaped her mouth,

"Imagine us as parents. We would suck ass, we're kids ourselves." Y/N whispered, I agreed and nodded my head.

"Yeah, also, I don't think I'm ready for changing dirty diapers- Finn, you'll have too anyway... Your dad and my mom will force us to do it with our sibling." Y/N spoke cutting me off, I smirked.

I opened my mouth and was about to say something when the timer went off. Three minutes were up.

I licked my lips and suddenly Lela walked in with Nick.

"Moment of truth." Lela spoke with raised brows. Me and Y/N reached for the test.

A quick inhale had entered my mouth,

"Ready?" I asked then exhaled, Y/N nodded and we both flipped it...


It was a - (negative)

"It's negative." Y/N spoke, Nick jumped out of excitement but then Lela hit him.

"We'll leave you two." Lela spoke with gritted teeth as she stared at Nick.

My eyes glanced back at Y/N. "It's fine." Y/N whispered, I grinned lightly and wrapped my arms around her again.

Felt good comforting my baby.

Y/N than gagged and covered her mouth, she quickly turned and puked into the toilet bowl.

"I think I have food poisoning." Y/N mumbled and wiped her mouth.
I rubbed her back and then decided to go get her some water.

-sorry this was so late, but here's a chap. she isn't pregnant.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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