I'll see you around

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Finn POV

"Are you okay?" Anthony asked me. I looked up at him and realised I was glaring off into space.

I nodded my head and smiled, a fake smile.

"I'm okay. Just didn't get enough sleep- Yeah staying up in the 'AM' are those hours were you deep think and regret everything." Anthony spoke cutting in.
I frowned my brows and took a sip out of my water bottle.

We were in the courtyard of school just relaxing since it was break time before last period.

Suddenly I saw her, she was in a far distance with Sean and his group.
I exhaled and inhaled as she made eye contact.

I felt hurt.

So far Sean was the only one who knew of me and
Y/N being step siblings, but I guess we can tell people now since we'll never be together, again.

I coughed and Anthony and my entire group faced the direction I was looking at.

"My dad's dating Y/N's Mom, Jenn. Y/N's my step sister and we're moving into a house together this week." I mumbled, my group just chuckled and smirked at me.

"Dude remember, one time you called her cute?" Simon mentioned, I gave him a yuck face and laughed.

"Ew gross." I replied. Complete total lie, she was the most gorgeous girl here, the only girl I wanted.


Seeing Finn and the way he acted today was terrible, he didn't look like himself... I must admit, I wasn't myself either.

I no joy in doing any work, not even practical work. No smiling today, I just wanted to be with Finn.

"Hello? Are you even listening? Me and the boys are having a small get together tonight, you and the girls can come." Sean spoke as he snapped me out of my thoughts.

My lips smacked together and I stared at Sean. My girls next to me were excited about partying tonight. I wasn't in the mood.

I nodded my head. "No, I can't Sean. I have to pack tonight with the Wolfhard's, we're helping them with packing first. Our new house is closer to their old one. " I blurted out.

My eyes went big and I realised I made a huge mistake.

My whole science class basically heard me. I gulped and all the girls in the class room gave me glares.

And then the bitchiest bitch of the West, Amanda, walked over with her posse of idiots and stood in front of my table.

"What do you mean packing with the Wolfhard's? Are you close with Finn?" She asked then raised a brow.

Sean just chuckled and I turned to face my friends who also had curious faces.

"Me and Finn, are step siblings." I blurted out. Majority of the class gasped and my friends were shocked.

Amanda smiled. She liked Finn. I could tell, most people could.

"So like, I'm glad you two aren't together- Why, do you want Finn? I know you're hoeing around. Finn doesn't want sloppy seconds." Sean spoke cutting Amanda off.

Amanda fake laughed. "You're old News Sean. That's why I broke up with you so stop being a dick." Amanda spoke then walked off as she rolled her eyes.

I groaned and turned to face my girls so I could explain every single THING. Except the dating Finn part. Only Sean can know about that.

Now, I'm going to be known as Finn Wolfhard's sister.

Last period was over and I waited at the top of the school parking lot.

I was waiting on (sister name) to pick me up. Mom couldn't because she had an ultra sound with Erick.

My heart started pounding when I felt a hand grip onto me and pull me around, it was Finn.

"Finn?! What- Come with me." He spoke as he cut me off. Suddenly he started running as he held onto me, he was dragging me along.

We ran behind the school building where no one could see us. I was confused.

"Finn?! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's wron- Finn's lips then collided with mine.

I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck slowly, we both smiled during the kiss.

"Yesterday shouldn't have been our last, and today won't be. I miss you." Finn mentioned as he pulled away from my lips.

I smiled to myself and felt like I could die because of his smile, he pulled me closer towards him as he pulled onto my shirt.

"Finn, we can't be like this. The whole school basically knows we're step siblings. People are going to find out we're having a younger sibling.- Then we'll have to sneak around. I can't be a brother to you. I need you to want me." Finn mumbled and stepped closer and closer, so close that I could feel his breathing onto my lips.

I blinked and looked down at our hands. They were intertwined.

"Let's sneak around then." I replied. Finn smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

I pushed him away.

"Let's go, we can't be hiding back here." I spoke. Finn smirked at me.

-Finn pulled her aside and Boom, kissed his girl.

Finn Wolfhard | Secret Tie Where stories live. Discover now