Ultra Sound

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-I've given Y/N's sister a name now. Her name is Lela

Finn POV

"Both of you have to come. Come on, get up finn.
Nick and Lela can't come, their not even here." Jenn spoke as she stood at the door of my room.

I groaned out of sleepy-ness. The concert was last night and I was exhausted.

I heard as Jenn walked down the hall way and yelled into Y/N's room. My eyes fluttered open and it was too bright, I felt like a zombie.

"Mom. It's a Saturday, and it's 7:45 am." Y/N complained, I smirked because of her cute raspy morning voice.

I took out of my Invisalign and examined as Y/N entered my room, she walked over and sat on my bed. And then Jenn walked in. She stood at the door of my bed and glared at us.

"I need you both to attend the ultra sound with me. Erick has work and is out in town today, and the other two are somewhere." Jenn explained, I nodded.

Jenn then turned around,

"It's going to be fun! You'll be able to see the baby! Isn't that exciting." Jenn yelled from down the hall. I smirked and turned to face Y/N.

"Morning beautiful." I whispered and leaned in to kiss her but she held my chest back.

"Finn, we need to brush our teeth first- I don't care, give me some loving, sweet thang." I spoke and interrupted her as I attacked her with morning kisses all over her face.

She giggled and it was the cutest thing ever.

"You're so bad. Stop, I'm going to shower." Y/N mentioned and smiled, she stood up and so did I. I gave her a grin.

"And no, you can't join me in the shower." She mumbled as she faced me, I frowned my brows.

"Why can't I join? You interrupted mine last night." I replied and scoffed. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Well, too bad." She replied, I gave her a sad pouty face and Y/N just folded her arms. She leaned in and placed a kiss onto my lips. She pulled away but I wanted more.

"Happier?" She asked and then walked off. I smirked at my girl and brushed my fingers through my curly hair.


On the way to the ultrasound, all I could think about was... In 8 months my mom was going to pop out a child that was related to Finn.

I gulped and looked down at my phone, my lock screen was a picture of me and Finn. I smiled and loved him, but, I knew once this was baby was going to come out it would all change.
What if the baby comes out and he wants to leave me? What if I want to leave him?

I was stuck on what to do, and I couldn't even tell mom and talk to her about it.

"Y/N, we're here. Come on." Mom spoke, I snapped out of my thoughts and realised she parked the car. I hopped out of the car and we headed for the building.

"You okay?" Finn whispered as we walked behind mom. I exhaled and nodded a no,

"I'm having one of those moments where I think about what will happen once this kid is out. Finn, we can't do this to our sibling." I mumbled worried, Finn didn't say a word.

"I thought we were going to do this secretly? Look we'll talk when we go back home ok?" Finn spoke, I agreed and felt as he held my hand. I smiled and looked in front of us to see Mom walking excitedly for this ultrasound.

What the fuck was I going to do.

-how ya feel? Lmao, what should Y/N do?

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