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On the way home from the ultra sound, mom was blabbing about the baby.

"Me and Erick were thinking we should name her Briella if it's a girl, and if it's a boy we like Alex." Mom mumbled, I turned my head to face the window and blanked out.

I didn't want to listen to her talk about the baby. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about the baby and having a new sibling, I'm just not excited about what I was going to tell Finn or how he was going to react.

I thought I could I do this, I thought I could sneak around and be like this with Finn but I can't. We can't hide our feelings and sneak around, and if we tell our parents it'll just be weird and wrong. Only one way. End me and Finn's relationship.

The car pulled up to the drive way and me and Finn hopped out,

"You two go inside, I forgot I needed to buy groceries for tonight's dinner. I'll be back in an hour." Mom spoke as she rolled down her window. I gulped and we headed for the door, mom left and drove off.

Finn smirked at me. "We have an hour." Finn mentioned with a smirk as we entered the house, we were home alone.

I nodded a no and pushed Finn's chest away,

"Baby what's wrong- Finn, we need to talk. I was  thinking about it the whole time when we were at the ultrasound appointment. Me and you can't sneak around forever, soon enough we'll be bored of sneaking around and we'd want different people who we can bring home to meet the family and be open with." I explained interrupting him, I gulped.

Finn stepped back and looked down. He genuinely looked hurt, his jaw clenched and he stayed silent. He was blank.

I stepped forward and wanted to grab his hand but he pushed my hand away.

"Different people? You don't want me?" Finn asked as he looked back up at me. I nodded a no and sniffled.

"Finn, no I want you, I always have... but you know what I mean. We can't do this, we'll hurt and break our family, m-my mom hasn't been this happy in a long time. We have a god-damn sibling on the way." I mumbled and felt my tears stream.

Finn flared his nostrils and clenched his fists.

"Fine. You want another boyfriend? Sure go ahead.  We're over." Finn spoke and pushed past me, I cried my heart out and felt so hurt, he didn't even want to look at me the whole time I was explaining.

I made my way to the living room and fell to the couch, why was this so difficult? I started hyperventilating and needed to go talk to him.

Each step I took up the stairs was nerve racking. I missed him already and I felt like shit.

Gently I knocked on his door, "Finn. Talk to me, please don't do this." I whispered,

He stayed quiet.

"Fuck off, go look for another boyfriend. Tell me when dinners ready, and then I'll come out." Finn yelled. I was so confused, why was he like this all of a sudden...

He had an attitude that you had never seen before.

I ran to my room and felt as the tears escalated 0-100. My hand reached for my phone and I decided to call Sean, I needed my best friend.

I needed comfort.

-how do you feel about Finn?

Finn Wolfhard | Secret Tie Where stories live. Discover now