School days

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Song: I like me better- Lauv

Finn POV


I sat up and fluttered my eyelids open. Slowly I realised I wasn't in my room, shit I accidentally slept over Y/N's. My head turned and I saw Y/N who was fast asleep, and her alarm was still going off.

The time was 5:40 am. Why does this girl wake up so early? School starts at 8:40 am. Rushing out of her bed I placed on my shirt and reset her phone alarm for another 40 minutes so she can get extra sleep. Also I wrote a note for her and left it next to her phone.

Good morning sunshine,

I forgot to leave last night. Your alarm went off but I set it up again for you. I'll be going to school today, so I'll see you later. I love you- f.w

Now I had to sneak out. I hid my bike in her neighbours bushes and made sure no one could take it.


I smacked the stop button on my phone and groaned as I raised my head. Next to my phone was a note from Finn, I smirked as I read what he wrote.

"Y/N! Breakfast! Are you ready for school?" Mom yelled from downstairs. I placed my head back down onto my pillow and didn't want to move. Quickly I placed on my school uniform and ran downstairs into the kitchen... I saw Eric helping my mom cooking. Shit.

"Morning lazy head. This morning Eric is going to give you and Finn a lift to school!" Mom mentioned, I faked a smile and walked over to the dining room to see Finn eating pancakes. I gave him a look and joined him at the table. I made sure our parents couldn't hear us.

"If my friends see me coming out of 'your' car... I'm in trouble. Their going to force me to ask you to follow them on Instagram or whatever. And then, people are going to find out that our parents are dating... fuck, fuck, fuck." I mumbled worrying, Finn raised his brows.

"Babe, just tell your friends that, ugh that you needed an urgent lift to school- Finn, every girl in school LOVES YOU. Girls get angry when other girls even look at you... I'm going to be bullied for carpooling." I replied cutting Finn off.

Finn just chuckled and continued eating.

"You'll be ok. I promise." Finn replied then held my hand under the table. I smiled and gripped onto it. Eric and mom walked over to join us at the table.

"After school, Eric is going to pick you both up. We have a date tonight so... Y/N you'll be staying at the Wolfhard's while me and Eric have the house alone." Mom explained, I cringed in the inside and nodded in agreement.

Once I finished breakfast I ran upstairs to continue getting ready. I reached for my school bag and made sure I had everything I needed for today.

"Come on kids lets go." Eric yelled, I clenched my jaw and walked with Finn out to the car.

The car ride was silent. We both sat in the back and held hands, we covered our hands with my school bag so Eric couldn't see.

"So, I'll be here to pick you up at 3:15. Have fun!" Eric spoke as he pulled up to school. I nodded and I hopped out of the car. As Eric drove off I turned to face the entrance of the school, everyone's head turned as they saw me and Finn together... Shit.

I exhaled a breath and could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Come on. Who cares if their staring." Finn whispered as he stepped closer to me. My nostrils flared. Me and Finn began walking and everyone continued to stare.

Every single girl gave me a bad glare. Oh man.

-😂❤️ how was this? 

Finn Wolfhard | Secret Tie Where stories live. Discover now